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Everything posted by dorquemada

  1. Thank you, that is a good article. I'd been wondering what the issue was having only observed from a distance. The dude was untackleable in college, but that just doesnt always translate to the pros. Still, as a warm body, I'd like to see what he can do, if anything.
  2. It's true, plus, at the rate we're losing players to injury, does it really matter if they're any good or not? I'm sure Trent Richardson can commit a boneheaded penalty just as well as anyone on our roster, which is the sole qualification to be a Buffalo Bill
  3. He was so great at Alabama. My brother in law gave me a #3 jersey for xmas a few years back. If there is *any* chance that he could return to form, he would be a great addition, though admittedly it's a tremendous long shot. It just seemed like he didn't really want to play.
  4. Jesus Christ. Rex hates losing (like I hate hangovers) but can't figure out how to prevent it. Do you have to have movies explained to you in the theater?
  5. I hate hangovers but can't seem to figure out how to stop having them.
  6. Correct, plus the league and refs suspended many of the laws of physics for the Giants
  7. So they're going from Jauron to Rex, at least in terms of temperament
  8. It's not too soon to start talking about next year. Obviously, the Pats are in a league by themselves and will, barring any miraculous circumstance, win the division. If you're the phins, and got beat handily by the other two teams in the division, you may as well forget about this season. Suck for Luck, 2015. Honestly, though, the Bills are not, at least right now, the 2nd best team in the Division, and the AFCE isn't sending 3 teams to the playoffs.
  9. It's hard to win in the NFL also, so as not to seem glib: refs were jobbing us (oh, woe is us!) O-line isn't gelled yet everyone is injured (note, does not affect other teams) rex's plan is more complex than us blue collar idiots can understand barometric something something Coriolis effect what did I miss?
  10. Agreed that we seem to draw more than our share of penalties, but you know it's like being a known criminal/usual suspect. At this point the Bills have earned, fair and square, the additional scrutiny, and they are withering like a hothouse flower. Hughes, in particular, is going to draw extra attention henceforth. I'm serious that I'd sit him a game or two until he learns to settle down.
  11. Or, 2-2 IS their potential with Rex as coach. Beat the bad teams, lose to the good ones. At least we'll have a 1st in the next draft, eventually Whaley's good drafting will create a team that even an undisciplined moron can coach Oh, sorry, let me take the contrarian approach: NOTHING TO SEE HERE FOLKS, MOVE ALONG! 2-2 IS EXACTLY WHERE REX WANTS TO BE RIGHT NOW! HIDE IN PLAIN SIGHT! THIS TEAM IS SO PASSIONATE IT'S LEAKING OUT THEIR PANTS!
  12. Exactly what I'm saying. Million dollar bodies, 50 cent brains. ESPECIALLY that quarter billion dollar DL. What was it, mid way into the 3rd before they even laid a glove on Eli? I mean it's not like doug flutie was playing QB, it was a big dumb slow guy and they couldnt catch a sniff of him. That's lack of effort, AND a bad scheme. I know Pegula didn't become a billionaire by accident, he must be itching to get in there and figure out the problem. Rex defending his team in the post game presser was like the parent of some bad kid getting mad at you for telling them to reign in their kid.
  13. I'll agree with this. This seems like a team with as much talent as the top tier teams, but with an ultra delicate constitution. Think a strong punching boxer with a glass jaw. The physical analogy isn't right either, because the problem on this team is clearly mental. Hughes is a loose cannon, and probably needs to sit a game. Super Mario is lucky they didn't call a personal foul on his suplex/tackle. Clearly those guys are beyond frustrated. It kind of reminds me of my kid's soccer team, a bunch of 10 and 11 year old boys who just want to do what they do with a coach who is trying to force a system on them that's a terrible fit, drawing up big slow complex plays on a whiteboard while their eyes glaze over. Anyway, they COULD go to pieces, or they could continue this inconsistent pattern and end up 8-8, which I guess is the more likely outcome. Tyrod is going to win a few games that they might not have otherwise in years past, and who knows, maybe the D shows up one of these days, but clearly all the ahle Jets fans that told me that I'd regret the Rex hiring were right, that he's the Ryan Fitzpatrick of coaches, occasional moments of brilliance followed by inexplicable breakdowns and boneheaded moves.
  14. "It's hard to win in the NFL" - Buffalo Bills Coach Rex Ryan, 9/28/2015 press conference after losing to the Miami Dolphins by 17 points while committing 19 penalties for 220 yards, outgaining the Offense by 39 yards did anyone have that hot take yet?
  16. Luck, I hear them say Lucky, in AFCN Kenmore East could win Team Captain, A. Luck Has a really big dumb face Should keep his mask on
  17. They call him lucky Look at his face though, do it Not so lucky, now Don't they race cars there 500 laps to the right big fun for slow folk What's fun in indy? Seriously, go google cars in oval, ugh
  18. Indy's up this week Inbred troglodyte Captain Paid Wilford too much
  19. am really hoping that Rexy decreases the likelihood/frequency of these games. that one was like a dagger to the heart
  20. Sounds like a iron clad lock to me, please, take my money
  21. Didnt he intercept and run one back against the Dolphins that year too? I kind of remember him as a big play guy.
  22. You should definitely use a smaller font
  23. "This year, you won’t be able to tell the difference between the Bills fans punching each other in the parking lot and the Bills themselves."
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