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Everything posted by dorquemada

  1. Coker was barely sacked all year, in a conference chock full of good Ds. He was the 2nd choice at FSU behind Jameis Winston, which isn't exactly the same as not being a good QB. Alabama usually requires a certain level of game management from their QBs, and only the occasional big play. Coker delivered in spades all year, I'm not sure why you think he's no good, except maybe you lost money on the game last night
  2. huh. Coker had a higher QBR than Watson, Derrick Henry outrushed the whole Clemson team (including Watson!) 158 to 145. OJ Howard set a championship game record with 207 yards receiving. if running what amounted to the Doug Flutie Broken Play Offense is what you define as better, than that's fine, but frankly the rate that Clemson players were getting knocked out of the game they wouldnt have had anyone left in another quarter of play. Watson could barely get up and clearly had hurt both his knees. They left it all on the field for sure.
  3. you're correct. Clemson clearly is a great team and must be hands on favorites for next year. They were fantastic all season but ran out of luck/guts/time last night. The most amazing stat they quoted was that they had won 51 games in a row where they lead entering the 4th quarter.
  4. Those weren't isolated incidents. On at least 2 of the sacks of Coker, he missed seeing WIDE OPEN receivers who would have had easy TDs and the Alabama D dropped 3 interceptions. My opinion is that Alabama would have scored another 20 points easily if Coker was on his normal game, and the normally surehanded D didnt have the dropsies. Clemson has been susceptible to big plays, it's not like Saban didn't know that. If your contention is that Clemson beat themselves, then every team who has ever lost beat themselves.
  5. On the other hand, if Coker had realized he was in a game before the 3rd quarter, it might not have been so close. Clemson got the benefit of a REALLY flat performance for the first half.
  6. I'm a Bama fan (and alumnus!) and follow them closely. Ragland had a tough game, most of the year he was stellar, wouldnt be suprised if he was playing hurt last night. He's a good LB for rex's system, it would not surprise me, if RR fell to our spot, that we draft him. OTOH, i'm very against overdrafting players because of the quality of team they were on. Alabama's D made all those guys look better. The point about Henry is good too. I mean, he's a physical specimen, but when his first hole/play design blows up, he's not proven himself great at the 2nd cut or improvising. Frankly Kenyon Drake might be a better pro back if he can keep his limbs attached to his body. Overall it was a really great game, easily the best game I've watched this year college or pro.
  7. You know, it's not like they were a mile off. If they just regress to the mean in penalties and injuries, they probably win a couple more games and make the playoffs.
  8. I was going to say for a tube of jock itch creme and a football signed by Joe Montana
  9. Dorquemada's bold 2016 offseason prediction: Bills mortgage next 5 years top draft pick in order to select a slate of high motor / scrappy white guy CBs/Ss secondary prediction: Rex hires his son in some capacity for which he is completely unfit I guess those aren't so much bold as overwhelmingly obvious and likely
  10. The Bills gave up in the 1st quarter of that game, it's no surprise that they were all putting forth minimum effort. It's 100% on the coach, if you cant keep the players in a game then YOU are the problem. "There's no quit in this team" lol yeah right fatso
  11. we've seen 'uncatchable' redefined the last couple years. definitely cant catch if you dont try
  12. He's a Ferrari alright. Ultra high performance, but spends more time in the garage than on the road. He did look like he gave up on some of those throws yesterday, that over throw in the endzone for one
  13. Next year Rex will introduce the innovative new 11 DL, all into coverage formation. the bills will lose 16 games by an average of 73 points
  14. I tend to agree. They play with less heart than any team at any level I've ever seen. They won a few games on the hangover from last year's team and the delusion that they were even an average team. With a full off season to ruin the bills and further break whatever teamwork and cohesion he inherited from St Doug, plus a draft that will surely be top heavy in 'rex' type players which I guess means safeties and white tight ends, 5 games is probably a good guess. I don't mean to let Whaley off the hook either, though he should absolutely be kept. We lead the league in High Potential Low Achiever players. This goes back to my thought above, which is these guys don't have any heart, and when they play a team that does, like the Redskins yesterday, the bills get rolled up like a slice of baloney
  15. So much this. If you're a 10 year vet with a long track record of success and leadership, you can do it from the sidelines. AW, though I like him, and we clearly are better with him on the field, really doesnt have the gravitas to step up and do this
  16. Well done, twobillsdrive poster KD in CT, you should pat yourself on the back for that
  17. Right I'd skip the Bills and go to 1998 and invest in google and apple, become wealthy, and start a lifelong journey of finding meaning in something other than football. Strippers and coke, perhaps.
  18. I work in telecom, and the large historic carrier I work for has a saying "You can always find better, but you can't find more expensive" I'll rework that here to "You can find better teams, but I promise you wont find a more penalized one" and the dumb fans eat it up
  19. can someone less lazy than me add up the bills penalty yards and see where Penalty would rank on the team? I bet only behind Sammy, Shady, and Tyrod
  20. This iteration of the Buffalo Bills are the WORST at showing up for big games than any team I've ever seen. Until that changes, there is a 100% chance that the bills will finish out of the playoffs. I'm not sure what part of the team this culture comes from but it's clear as day. You watch a good team, they show up for big games. Buffalo shows up small.
  21. Pretty good list, actually. I think I'd keep Woods, unless we get a better solid #2. We've had a bunch come through camp but none seem to stick. More than anyone on your list though, Thurman and Crossman have to go. ST have killed the Bills this year. I think we can safely say ST cost them at least 2 games.
  22. To paraphrase a blogger I follow, if the Bills were controlled by a cabal of their greatest enemies, how exactly would they act differently than the current front office?
  23. Not only the smartest guy in the room, but with a personality that won't allow him to absorb lessons and move on. I guess I'm glad the Bills lost yesterday and spared us the indignity of thinking there was still a shadow of a chance, just to have them lose to the Cowboys or get crushed by the Jets. Now I would just as soon see them lose out so we can take another tweener DL or maybe draft 6 CBs. The Jets, on the other hand, actually improved last offseason, and are starting to look like a pretty good bet to at least make a showing in the playoffs. Can you imagine THIS Bills team having to go to Denver to play in the 1st round?
  24. So that guy...was retarded, right? No disrespect, I just don't know the right term? Retarded-American?
  25. In fact, I'd argue that the Bills best chance at getting into the playoffs is to lose the rest of their games, makes perfect sense when you think about it, the rest of the league wont know what hit them
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