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Everything posted by dorquemada

  1. I grew up in Buffalo, and as an adult have lived in New England, Alabama, Upstate, and OH. I can say, without reservation, that Blacks and Whites get along much better in Alabama than they do anywhere north of the Mason Dixon line. In part I believe it's because in the South, Blacks and Whites actually interact and there is nowhere near the segregation between races that you see, especially in the suburban northeast, which ironically is where the most virulent social justice warriors seem to spring forth from. There's nothing quite as quaint as being lectured about race relations by someone who has only ever dealt with others in the abstract and almost never in person. My wife is from the deep south and appalled at the way that blacks and whites interact here in USNY. People think it's odd that most of her social group are either black or latina, but it's second nature to her.
  2. I have some bad news for you friend. The people who are busy f'ing you from wall st are the exact same ones making sure you're focused like a laser on every little thought that pours from some airheaded SF QB, and on what Donald Trump said 10 years ago, rather than what's happening in front of our very faces. If I had a dime for every otherwise innocent idiot that gets talked into some sort of stupid college lefty activism by a good looking girl, I'd be rich. I should have came up with the idea of printing Che tshirts back when I was in college in the late 80s. When Kaep flames out of the NFL and burns through his money, his GF will move onto greener pastures, and he'll be left with his memories and perhaps the knowledge that he got played like a low rent sucker
  3. Good point. Didn't Rex get like 10 sacks out of Maybin?
  4. Bring him/them on slowly, they're excellent additions to the rotation, but it's not like we're hurting on DL. I trust Rex (can't believe I'm saying that) to know what to do with them
  5. slow down with the crazy talk tiger
  6. Used to get wound up Bryan Cox was a guy there now they just froot loops
  7. phins as metaphor Bills D are like rising sea miami swamped
  8. Mario too old and maybe lazy too, yes probably like kaep
  9. mr we could use a man like chris rock todaaaaaay
  10. If it weren't a false narrative, there wouldn't be one at all!
  11. Which other consumer products that you buy do you want to listen to the producers political opinions? You must have really loved when Starbucks did RACE TOGETHER last year. Nothing I want to hear more than some PhD millennial barista's opinion on race matters slung at me at 6:30am
  12. exactly what I said, good job reading
  13. yeah i know who he is, was being sarcastic. Kaep's convicted to blame cops for all ills, but wont say boo about this guy
  14. Yes, and thanks to Kaep for shedding light on the real problem here. Funny how the NFL is glad to have players expressing a certain political point of view, but when the cowboys wanted to put stars on their helmets for the Police that died over the summer in Dallas, the NFL said absolutely not. strange, that!
  15. Yeah, I mean, I get where you're going, but if you take it at face value, MD obviously isn't in game shape yet, and overdid it. Hammys can be tricky injuries, and sometimes seem to happen even if you're doing everything right with stretching and so on. My feeling based on my own training is that if I'm spending a lot of time lifting weights, doing squats and hammy curls, but not running, then i tend to hurt my hammys when I start to run again, no matter how much I stretch beforehand. Big guys tend to neglect the aerobic conditioning/running in favor of weight work, at least normal guys, maybe not NFL players. Your point is well taken though, in that especially since MD didn't actually go to rehab, he ought to be in teh best shape of his life, but I have a feeling that he slacked pretty hard and just turned it on a week or two ago
  16. seconding this, I feel like MG could break out, if TT could get him the ball. One of his catches in particular, he had to turn his whole body around streaking over the middle, if TT leads him, it's an easy TD, as it was, he was barely able to hang on because the throw was behind him and the play ended right there. Then the overthrow down the left sideline last week, last year TT was more accurate on the long ball, it seems like anyways
  17. maybe the thread title should be "Coming Sunday to New Era Stadium in Orchard Park New York, your Buffalo Bills host the San Francisco Vegans and Misguided Attempt to Please His Activist Girlfriend" it has a certain ring to it
  18. OK, I was speaking from a law enforcement/public policy perspective, from inside the law enforcement community. You're playing contrarian rabbit, which is your right, and seems to line up with your personality otherwise. Good job, I guess?
  19. Great, your anecdote is definitely way better than the reams of actual crime statistics, upon which actual laws and public policy are built, you win again!
  20. I don't know texas but I'm an IT consultant to Law Enforcement in the NE. I'll tell you this strait up - carry permit holders don't commit crimes, period. The vast vast vast vast vast majority of handgun crime is committed with illicit pistols. Long guns are little different story, but again, the guys you see at the rod and gun club, or at the local gun store, aren't the ones committing crimes.
  21. I bet you're a riot at parties Yeah you and your buddy are really fixated on the one line in a paragraph, talking about how Kaep's focus has mostly been on how to get more attention on Kaep, and maybe not so much on how to halt his downward spiral from a QB perspective. By all means though, if you are being called to white knight veganism on a buffalo bills message board, have at it bro
  22. You should post more about your veganism ITT. There's nothing people are more interested in than your eating habits, especially when you have to jump up and white knight poor Kaep.
  23. Ha, yup! At any rate, we'll see on Sunday. The hype machine for Kaep is in full overdrive, we'll see between the low iron diet, the bum shoulder, and the focus on politics, how good a QB he is now. Apparently he's had 3 surgeries since last season on his shoulder, and hasnt even been able to be in the weight room until the last few weeks. So, you're klos63 parachute account, or do you just finish sentences for eachother?
  24. Oh hey look, it's the wet blanket here to ruin everyone's fun. I'm guessing, TSW poster klos63, that you haven't met any actual vegans. Next I'm sure you'll argue against my point, from which you cherry picked the bolded quote in your post, which was challenging the previous poster to find a legitimate sports nutritionist, that would claim that a Vegan diet is a good idea for a professional QB.
  25. This is what I'm saying. Both the asinine 'protest' and the vegan stuff - attention seeking behavior. As much as I hope and look forward to him being lustily booed, part of me would prefer that everyone ignore his antics. Personalities like his can't stand the lack of attention, so he would ramp up the look-at-me behavior until people paid attention. I don't know, maybe throw himself down on the 50 yard line and have a tantrum? Or, maybe more likely given the way it's probably going to go down, do a lot of victim acting like a soccer player, taking dives and demanding late hit flags, like Tom Brady without the charm and QB ability
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