For what it's worth...
Did anyone from your network notice that during Tedyfest that there was actually a pretty good football game happening at the same time? At least that is what I heard on the radio and what I have read in the papers...
I believe that everyone in your organization from the executives, producers, directors, camera people, technical crew, and announcers should be locked in a room and be force-fed that telecast just like you heaped it on fans of the game. What a complete and utter insult to the fans of the NFL. Shame.
I know this letter is destined for the recycle bin, but you certainly owe the football fans a broadcast apology for your total disregard of the game being played. Pathetic.
If this broadcast was a glimpse of things to come, good luck on Monday nights next year. A reminder; It takes two teams to play a game. Disgrace.