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Everything posted by fbzh2

  1. My thoughts as well. I don’t think he has accepted reality yet and will retire unless he has a change in his perception of the situation.
  2. From what I can see there seems to be little interest in him. I just wonder if it is because he still thinks he is a starter and is unwilling, at this time, to accept anything less.
  3. What is your best guess for where Bledsoe will be at the start of the season? Will he get off his ego trip and realize that he is at best only a backup? Is there a team out there that is stupid enough, or desperate enough, to even let him compete for a starter job? I think he retires, because I don’t think he will ever accept the fact that he is no longer a starter……. Some might suggest a water-boy……..your thoughts….?
  4. What are this writer’s credentials for being a critic and an evaluator of talent, and the running of an NFL frachase? This is just more paper for the bottom of the bird cage! Sounds like this jerk had a deadline to meet last night and started the story five minute to midnight when he got home from a busy weekend. It is amazing how many jacka$$’s can get paid for such nonsense.
  5. As I recall you were his chief ball-washer after his lackluster performance in the Baltimore game last year. As a Bills fan it’s good to see that you have finally put the team before the player. Welcome aboard…!
  6. You were a good player and you got paid well for it, but good riddance and good luck with the Eagles. The Bills are a new team and you were not happy with the decisions being made. It is best for everyone that you move on. We’ve had enough of locker room lawyers, malcontents, and players who think they know more than the coaches and management. With the Eagles you can be back to the environment you are so comfortable with. You and your fellow inmates can continue to show Andy Reid and the Eagle fans how to lose championship games and Super Bowls. Enjoy your stay, if you ask, I am sure you can have TO’s old locker.
  7. I got the impression that Spikes is not happy with the new team management from some of his conversations last year with the press. There seemed to be underling dissatisfaction when he spoke. The most obvious was when he went into a rant about putting Troy Vincent on IR at the start of last year when as customary, Troy, gets hurt at the very start of the regular season. Spikes was saying something about it being uncalled for, and that by that standard that the team should have himself on IR, or some such thing. The bottom line is that I never got the impression that he has fully bought in to the new management and team.
  8. I believe the average playing lifespan for an NFL RB is relatively short compared to some other positions. What is Mr. Dumb A$$ going to do to support his “baby mama’s” after he blows all his money? Rely on his education at the “U”
  9. The reality of this guy is that he unfortunately is a pathetic slug, who it sounds like, had a mother who cared, and attempted to give him the correct advice, irregardless of the examples. What a shame that he has not enough humility to appreciate when people have helped him. And I don’t think gratitude requires intelligence, because it is evident to even the most casual observer, that he has none.
  10. It does me. I don’t think his play is anything special, and certainly not worth what he re-signed for. As I have posted in other threads….I can’t help but get this picture in my mind every time I hear his name, of number 90 rushing up to a pile of guys just as the whistle blows, standing straight-up over them adjusting he shoulder pads as though he just completed a hit of the century, but yet never touched an opposing player. That’s my impression of how I have seen him play.
  11. '04 post a very good call...!
  12. If he can pick-up a blitzer, and with the threat of a run, that’s something else the defenders would have to worry about on a play like that now and then.
  13. Reed is a pounder when he gets the ball and hits the defender. Anyone know what his YAC are? (yards after a catch is a stat the NFL keeps, right?)
  14. Do you remember if that is what Steve F did in that one play last year. I recall that Josh had a fairly good run on that play, and it may have even been a gain for a 1st down.
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