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Everything posted by fbzh2

  1. Exactly my concern as well. Third down conversions are an absolute must….ST and D TD’s are great, but it isn’t going to happen every week.
  2. You beat me to it!!
  3. I pretty much agree with your assessment
  4. For those of us out of state Bills fans, does anyone know if tonight's game can be seen on the internet? And if so at what site....Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
  5. I like it! It's a cut above the rest!
  6. Bingo! Right on the money...pun intended!
  7. Thanks from all of us down here in Bucs land for the link up. We were able to see a great game...Thanks again!!!
  8. Thanks! I'll check it out when I get home....
  9. For us who live out of state; Anyone know if there will be a live internet broadcast of tonights game?
  10. Another loquacious epistle again from Pyrite Gal"
  11. Good riddance!…was around two years too long......
  12. !@#Leinart and that petty speeding charge; I’d rather talk about Paris Hilton and her outstanding BJ’s…!!!!! After a night with her who would give a sh*t about a speeding ticket…..or much else for that matter….
  13. WHO are you talking to..? Don't put words in my mouth. Go back and read my post before you step into something. I don't know where in hell you got those comments about "being taken to the cleaners." It's from someone else post. GO BACK AND READ THEM ALL BEFORE YOU JUMP ON SOMETHING...!
  14. Well stated. I couldn’t agree more. There are far too many good player at #12 overall to trade it away so easily. At #12 we are in the driver’s seat….
  15. SD has been closer to the SB than we have been recently.....
  16. Look what AJ did to the NYG with Eli.......
  17. My thoughts exactly....!!! That should be the standard here, we used a 1st rounder to get an injured WM....
  18. Look at all the “clowns” who are in Congress already on both sides of the aisle; he’ll fit in perfectly!
  19. You may be on to something; dumba$$ football player= hoodlum “U.”
  20. I too remember what his coach said about him and thought that he was going to be what we needed at TE. Now, unless he proves otherwise my thinking is that it is just more hype from the hoodlum “U.”
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