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Everything posted by fbzh2

  1. He's done nothing all these years to earn his keep with the team. He should have been cut his second year. He likes the NFL money, but not the work.
  2. It's not silly at all. We the fans support these organizations, politicians included. Please encourage others to follow through....even if it is a form letter or note....the politicians don't care if they are.....they only count the number of contacts they get on a particular subject....get enough and they will take action....maybe only lip service at first, but if it takes off in the media they'll be the first to claim they instigated it....but if they get results, who cares if they take credit. Good luck and all you New Yorkers make your voice be heard!
  3. Contact US Senator Schumer with the concerns about the NFL. He oversees the Senate committee that give the NFL it's exemption from US monopoly laws. He has in the past, I think during the players union negotiations, threatened the NFL with the possibility of suspending their exemption if they didn't settle in good faith with the players union. He also has a vested interest in the fact that he has three teams representing his NY constituents, and I might add, that he is always looking for a chance to make headlines, and to be in front of the cameras. I think this would be a made to order opportunity for him. I no longer live in NYS so my input (and potential vote) to his office would be of little value to him. His contact info; Schumer, Charles E. - (D - NY) Class III 322 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510 (202) 224-6542 Contact: www.schumer.senate.gov/contact/email-chuck
  4. I agree! And I'll bet he won't make it for the whole season....
  5. Yes, as well as the view that the pecking order above him, Russ, Kim, have a poor NFL management reputation and track record, and more to the point, that she is a novice at best. That's why people left, and/or changed their minds about getting involved with this organization. More good people will be leaving in the coming weeks for the same reason. A sad situation..... control freaks can't get along with other control freaks. After all is said and done, the poor loyal Bills fans will be left with the SOS, only with new owners....THE CO-OWNERS.
  6. Don't blame that on Marrone. Joe D' and the entire coaching was gone before Marrone was hired.
  7. I lost respect for Jaws when he came out with that stupid statement that JBJ "would do the right thing" WTF does that useless statement mean? It is a useless statement that politicians make. I found it to be very condescending, especially coming from a local guy who should understand what the Bills mean to WNY. Jaws you are nothing but a !@#$%^& JBJ tool......
  8. Huge disappointment. He has not lived up to his hype. Average corner at best. Teams aren't afraid to throw to his area of coverage at all. He seems too laid-back about playing, as if he can take it or leave it depending how he feels that week.
  9. Every time I see Jim Har-blowhard antics on the sidelines, it brings back memories of when Jimbo was working for ESPN and was sent to interview Har-blow (where he was and at what capacity I don't recall-Browns?). As the conversation progressed they wound up getting into a fistfight, Jimbo jumped behind the table and kicked the sh*t out of him.....kind of ended Jimbo's ESPN's career as a interviewer. Har-blow was always an A** hole.
  10. Thank you. I’ll pass this along to my wife and daughter. Their interest was with the stories, but I am sure they will appreciate the info on the reporter as well, and will no doubt wonder if the series will continue with someone new. Thank you again. Thanks....
  11. Does anyone know what happened to the girl reporter(name?) who worked for the Bills last year? She worked with Chris Brown and Murphy, and did off-field individual player interviews, and visited with their families. My wife and daughter looked forward to those personal “human interest” stories, which they felt made these guys more like neighbors and regular people, and not some out of control superstar. I know they would be very disappointed if this insight is no longer done this season.  
  12. Ralph Wilson, Jr.
  13. I don't know. How do they work out the London and Mexico City games?
  14. How did the NFL work out the London and Mexico City games? Was one team a "home" game....I don't know how that worked.
  15. I don't think Byrd wants to stay and I believe that the Bills, Rogers Communication, & NFL will come to a compromise agreement that will allow the Bills to fulfill their contract with the following changes: 1. The Toronto game will no longer be a home game for the Bills. 2. The opponent will not be a divisional team. 3. The game will be a regular scheduled away game for both teams played at a neutral site.
  16. I believe that the Bills, Rogers Communication, & NFL will come to a compromise agreement that will allow the Bills to fulfill their contract with the following changes: 1. The Toronto game will no longer be a home game for the Bills. 2. The opponent will not be a divisional team. 3. The game will be a regular scheduled away game for both teams played at a neutral site.
  17. LMAO.....
  18. Ideas like this will get you a job on Brandon’s staff.
  19. Excellent point. That would create an unfavorable situation with such a popular former player.
  20. New Year prediction: Andre Reed will be the new WR coach for the Bills. Doug Marrone is looking for a no-nonsense, strictly business type teacher, with past playing success at that position. Someone who can teach this unit of young players, what it takes to be successful in the NFL, and the work ethic and discipline needed to achieve elite status as a professional athlete. Players take note: Lack of accountability for your actions and performance will not be tolerated. Foolish behavior, and a non-seriousness in attitude will have no place on this team. Clowns need to apply elsewhere, there is no room on this team for that kind of attitude. It is all about the level of your performance. HAPPY NEW YEAR BILLS FANS ! Here's to next season winning play-off season and many more to follow!
  21. I agree with that.
  22. Yesterday during Marone’s after game PC, where he acknowledged EJ’s struggles, he said that they need to simplify things for him….sounds to me that play calling will be even more predictable with less plays and formations for the rest of the year…..what a joy that will be to watch!
  23. Correct. This is the key point "more info than ill(WE) ever have."
  24. My thoughts exactly.
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