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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Over regulation would be idiocy. We shall see what comes from this. In the future, I think the cap on damages should be raised to say 10 billion as a starting number. I could be argued up or down. I am cognizant of the fact that this can impact the cost of the rig. However, when you consider the cost cutting measures British Petroleum used here, did they really save any money? Honest question, as how much will this cost them long term? 500k for an additional fail-safe that many say would have prevented this. Use of sea water to seal it, lack of a battery for God's sake. Multiply that by however many deep sea oil rigs they have and did they really save money? I would be bean counter hunting if I ran the company. They best have a good explanation.
  2. Fair enough, I wasn't particularly clear in hindsight. Completely agreed.
  3. Damn. . RIP Dennis
  4. Yeah he is such a lib. <jedi mind trick> Rethink your position.</jedi mind trick>
  5. Here is a a pro British Petroleum show of the effort they are making. I am sure they are trying their hardest atm, my main criticism is the lack of a back up plan. I do not doubt they are trying their hardest to stop this. The backlash from this will hurt British Petroleum for years. Link
  6. Would you agree that more regulations are needed for deep sea oil rigs?
  7. Consider yourself to have a reason to smile.
  8. Probably because the city government/cops are going to lose this one. At least, I presume they will. Count on me to be properly outraged if they win.
  9. Truer words have never been spoken. Here is to the vets who have defended our country. We should never go to war, but when we do, support our troops. It really is that simple. My heartfelt gratitude and thanks to those that have served.
  10. I am sorry to hear of your illness. Best of luck in the future.
  11. Bookmarking this post. It will take a bit, but the blow should be minimal since the economy is going along so smoothly.
  12. Happy Birthday brother.
  13. That is sad. At one point Beck came across as a rational and reasonable person. I think he cracked (went slightly crazy) a few years back. Any normal person would realize that mocking an 11 year old girl is beyond the pale. This is actually worse than the Chelsea Clinton/dog comment that Rush did IMO. Admittedly, not by much. So many areas to make fun of Obama in, and this is where he chose to go.
  14. We need a jump the shark smilie. Credit to Gene. For now, this will have to do.
  15. FWIW I occasionally feel the same contempt to a degree. Good God, you have a computer, use it. Tons of info on the internet, read it, sift through it, form your own opinions. I just don't find the astounding ignorance confined to one area.
  16. I abandoned cool when I stopped bartending. I enjoy my new job, but damn, those days were far more fun. I guess the best I can say is, my job is satisfying. Hot chicks, liquor, and drugs everywhere made for more fun times. Pity, I wish I could remember them...
  17. In all seriousness, I died laughing at the "milka wha" comment.
  18. Well, let's compare posting sins here. You are accusing me of being unoriginal. I freely grant that. On the other hand you think all of us rednecks are murdering savages. Hmmmm
  19. Yeah, that is the first time it has been done. Could be worse, I could be a bigot...
  20. You were funny before. I did a spit take with the "milka wha" comment.
  21. That is an excellent point, kudos. Change back, that one creeps me out.
  22. Murra, everyone made the points I might have made. In all seriousness, we aren't acting like a bunch of "environmentalist whackos" (a term it seems you may be familiar with) as most of us are more concerned with the economy. Sure, I am upset with the damage to the environment, but my main concern is what will this do to the economies of Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, and ultimately the US. My question to you is, are you trolling or simply clueless?
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