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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Since Tom lost the , You're an idiot. What does the last line mean, exactly...
  2. Sorry, you failed to claim for the last time. It is now fair game for anyone...
  3. Tom was nice once. Of course that was conveniently wiped out by a board crash. Coincidence?
  4. And you know this for sure how?
  5. You may be disgusted with him winning, but I am disgusted with him admitting to fingering Gangsta Kitty.
  6. Dude we are talking about a sundress thrown to the floor in passion. I mean, what the !@#$ is wrong with that? Please, this really is not the 1700s.
  7. Don't get me wrong, Obama is a !@#$up. I still think nothing of your opinion as you are a partisan hack. You wouldn't know what to do if he did something right, while plenty of others would at least acknowledge he did so.
  8. Yeah, your objective opinion puts the nail in the casket. You wouldn't be able to pick out a reasonable objection against Obama if it bit you. You are a complete partisan hack, always have been, always will be. Oh and Obama sucks, but you suck worse.
  9. You are a !@#$ing liar and troll. It really is that simple.
  10. Sure, you can be Connor or Wacka.
  11. Wait, I am Beerball? This deal gets worse all the time.
  12. You are looking at the 2007 calendar
  13. Oh, so that is how you ended up in Anchorage...
  14. That joke never gets old... oh wait, it does.
  15. Umm no. I never advocated an invasion. Way to miscast what I said. *pats you on the head
  16. Good news everyone, only a 73 billion nick.
  17. Welcome back murra. How do you feel about the oil spill now?
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