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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Only these are college students at a nice college.
  2. Because the campus said they had the right to protest, and the police pepper sprayed them.
  3. You have been proven wrong more than once with your own links. In this case, your link says (has since been changed to make your point even more moot): Only these kids are not camping. They are kneeling. I love the way some conservative types are all anti-government, but pro authoritarian. Yeesh.
  4. I used your link to prove you wrong. I don't care if they retreated later. They maced students they said were eligible to protest. It stated that in your link. Once again you prove yourself wrong with stuff you have posted. The rest of the story indeed...
  5. They should have pulled out the automatic weapons or perhaps called in an air-strike?
  6. First thing, could you avoid the block of text? Second thing, could you have a point?
  7. Shame on you indeed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q09i3PKIf50&feature=youtu.be
  8. That was not funny the first time you posted it and yet, you felt the need to post that gross insult again? Uggh.
  9. Yeah, they are not in tents. Look the OWS stuff is lame, that I freely grant. Whatever meaningful point they may have had, tis too late to get that point (if they could even decide on what it is or articulate it) across. However, if they are in a spot where they are allowed to protest, which your own article says they were then I think it is uncool to see some fat jackass walking down the line pepper spraying them. Is it Libya? Hell, no. I just do not like it.
  10. This is sorta whacked. What a "fit" officer. Link
  11. Spontaneous Combustion finally explained...
  12. Jim and I finally agree on something. Oh and she was probably tougher than any of them as well...
  13. Clarify please and with a link preferably.
  14. Depends on what they do with the data really as to whether it is a useful expenditure of money. There are lots of proponents for this monitoring so that you can address legitimate problems internally if nothing else.
  15. So should we be more upset with Alfredo Garcia and his scams or with his lawyer, Morse Mehrban. Link
  16. You can post a couple of paragraphs of the article. I always try to get enough to get the gist of the story and I never post anything you have to subscribe to, but there is no rule about the latter.
  17. Lots of companies do that. If for no other reason, you want to know what people are saying about you. You may not want to respond to it, but you do have to know what criticisms are out there.
  18. I have possible bad news for you and your fat fingers, link. Check your paypal...
  19. I did call out one, not all. See what I mean about you misleading people with your posts. I was arguing with what 7-8? I figure in Jim's case, might as well since he is going to hold that against me forever. They were arguing that he has the right to be an asshat racist and still post here. I felt otherwise, but gave up after it was clear the vast majority disagreed. Now, if my posts offend, feel free to put me on ignore.
  20. Thanks for speaking for me. I never said anything like that about everyone I was arguing with, but then you make a lot of **** up, so why stop now?
  21. You whine like one, what am I supposed to think?
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