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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. I was going to suggest a tour of RWS, but it seems they do not offer those.
  2. Sorta sad you typo-ed your own name.
  3. Where is my lego i-phone?
  4. So what liberal policies do you support again? Crazy uncle fits you.
  5. Maybe they can replace the drunken slobs.
  6. Down with state's rights. More power to the Federal Government, right there with you.
  7. Wait, you confuse me. I thought I was a clitslit. I will take that as a no.
  8. There are all these little blue things after most of the statements. They are footnotes to the links to back up the article. If they do not have one, perhaps take it with a larger grain of salt than you do any one individual link. Food for thought perhaps.
  9. If he promises that, will you promise to keep all future posts and threads (latter not really possible, but you get my drift as it encompasses the board) in this single thread? He and I may disagree on occasion, but I feel confident I can promise that for him.
  10. Probably true, but who knows, we argued you down from millions of light years to one. IIRC there are 40-50 stars within 10-15 light-years btw (the closest like 4+). Want to bet they have focused on them? Mind you, I doubt many of these are habitable, but who knows?
  11. A friend of mine and I hashed out a very similar plan (much less detail of course, but same general concept) and I was shocked to hear him when he was on Rush. Of course when I explained how I was going to !@#$ over 3/4s of the country, I acknowledged I would be dead shortly (this was assuming I was complete Dictator). I like his plans a lot. They make a ton of sense.
  12. Tens of thousands... well at least we are down from millions. See how quickly we can cut the distance. Where are you pulling this tens of thousands from? I am actually curious. I wanted distances on these 140 planets. So give with the data. Of course, if we are pulling data from planets 10,000 light years away, that is !@#$ing impressive. I should note that it also invalidates your idea that we won't figure out where to go before we can go there.
  13. Is this the guy with the real long term plan (say 2099) with raising SS age/other entitlements/etc slowly? Only heard him once, but he was impressive if so.
  14. Bingo, we have a winner!
  15. So humankind is done in less than 200 years huh? The whole solar system devoid of resources at best, the earth at worst as we never made it off the planet in any significant fashion? Is that what you mean? Incidentally, I would assume we would be far more likely to determine where we want to go, way before we determine how to get there.
  16. That makes sense. I wasn't sure where you were going with that. Fusion is on the list of things that could help in way more than one area for sure.
  17. That was like an elite French team too. Not run of the mill soldiers, Special Forces types and secret agents. To be fair, I suppose they might have got away with it if the Greenpeace guys hadn't rushed back onto a ship that just had a huge explosion. The guy who died, a photographer, went back for his cameras.
  18. To facilitate inter-system travel? Or just the next step in progression of science in your mind?
  19. So you doubt it is possible in a centuries+ time frame? Honest question.
  20. A few theorists think it can be done (traveling vast distances quickly, not faster than the speed of light). Did you read my link? Sure it may sound like science fiction now, but man has certainly not learned all of what is to know. Ruling out being able to travel to these planets (which may only be dozens/hundreds of light years away in some cases as they do not mention how far these planets are away or in what system) when considering how much technology may advance just seems wrong to me. I freely grant, probably not in anyone that posts on this board's lifetime.
  21. I have been very ticked about this since it happened. It was one of the PPP crowds (as well as a ton of normal posters) better moments as a fair number of the regulars (of whatever stripe) rallied together and piled on the guy who started it. Tim could have been a bit thicker skinned perhaps, but he certainly had no obligation to do so, much less bash the company he works for. So we lost him and Lori because some guy did not like ESPN's twitter feed. If you notice Wawrow is not around as much...
  22. This one should really scare you, what if these missionaries found out they already know about God?
  23. http://www.popsci.com/entertainment-amp-ga...theorist?page=1 Not saying that is what will happen. And some people think Michio Kaku is more about promoting himself than physics. Still, with hundreds of years to work, who knows what is possible is my point. You may have a valid point about us not being here.
  24. Well, we know we won't. Who know what will change in the next few hundred years though.
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