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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. And you would condemn such injustices especially when compounded by racism one assumes.
  2. Why don't you give us your best guess.
  3. I prefer lipstick lesbians, but whatever floats your boat... This seems at worst a silly debate. Of course they deserve equal rights. Lost some respect for a couple of posters in this thread.
  4. I don't think the majority did cut drinks though, just him. If it was that rampant in Vegas it would have spread to Tunica by now. A quick google search plus the people I know in the business leads me to believe this was a one time gimmick by the guy. They tried it here and it hurt revenue, that much I know for sure. It drove away regulars to places that did give away free drinks. Maybe it was more successful in Vegas, but I have my doubts.
  5. They (majority of casinos in Vegas) already pool tips. It is a bad idea to pool tips with the people who are supposed to be in charge. Hence the oversight comment. The video poker is some of the highest profit stuff. Something like 80% payout overall with say $2 to $3 bet every few minutes at least. Generally speaking, you have to be actively gaming to get a drink. So you cannot just drop a quarter in to get a free drink. Also most places restrict the number of drinks you can get complimentary based on a time frame. Sometimes this is state law, sometimes the rules of the house. To just make them pay, drives them away. I can only speak to the casinos here as I am still connected somewhat, but cutting off the free drinks has hurt revenue when tried. The whole frigging point is to get them drunk, distracted, and confused enough to lose more than they intended. Subtracting the alcohol hardly helps.
  6. If it makes you feel any better, I am convinced you have zero credibility.
  7. Please, if a Dachshund-Chihuahua mix saw you walking towards it, it would definitely cross the street.
  8. Family is off-limits even in PPP. That is why your post was deleted.
  9. Perhaps it is what you say, not who you say it to?
  10. Wait, there is no way in hell you are prohibited from insulting Tom. Every member of this board should be allowed to do that...
  11. I used to work in the casinos and I can tell you that making the dealers share tips with the pit bosses is a bad idea. Pit bosses are a huge chunk of the oversight. Bad idea to tip pool with them. Not giving away free drinks on video games? Those are the easiest controlled machines. They may say 99% payout, but that is only if you play the game correctly with a max bet every time. The majority do not do either. At the least those are bad casino decisions, if true.
  12. Wait, you are the liberal, you are supposed to be high. I get to utterly denounce you as a hippie, as I slug down shot after shot of high class bourbon. Please try and keep your role straight for the future.
  13. Cold place in hell. Modest donation sent.
  14. Does the thought of a black snapping and killing racists concern you somehow?
  15. You're an idiot™. The spill is a thimbleful in a huge lake. No way it actually impacts the environment.
  16. What is up with the capital letters?
  17. Oh he is talking about pornos, I thought it was an observation about politics... wrong board.
  18. Ah, I see. And if we are going to be so technical, the phrase I lifted came from a book, not a movie. Hence, you are kinda wrong.
  19. So, if I get your terminology correctly, you just asked RK for a date?
  20. Who got banned?
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