High praise indeed, considering the commentator. Lori is a class act with a ton of info at her fingertips. The loss will be noticeable for anyone that truly follows the board. Let us hope she decides to return.
I am rarely drink <sic>. EII always tries to find some reason to condemn homosexual marriage. So now that most of the nonsensical reasons have been batted down, he tries to bring up some bull **** that has absolutely nothing to do with the conversation. He does this frequently, and occasionally has a point I grant you. However, this time he adds nothing but his bias.
Why? You have to be trolling, or you are bat **** stupid. I am going to hope it is the former. If we are to take you at your word, you are a simple bigot.
That was just wrong. Funny as ****, but wrong.
Fez, I would argue with you, but you have already been attacked by the troll brigade, so you earn a pass this time.
Very cool, but
Backstage at the "girlie" show at the state fair. Rutland, Vermont, September 1941. Reproduction from color slide. Photo by Jack Delano. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress