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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Hey, I think you are on to something, "Don't want those filthy Muslims in your area, only $99.95 will get you enough Sacred Dust to cover your whole block. Order now, supplies are limited."
  2. Crayonz ripped you off dude. You going to take that?
  3. Please, you are too smart to be this big a hypocrite.
  4. Bold - See Fingon's and Deans' posts. Italicized - Coke a few times when I was say 18-20. I did it because the women wanted to do it, not drug pushers.
  5. I disagree slightly. Yes, it is a huge change and I cursed Lucas for it. Han can still be fairly grey without shooting first though. Curious to your take on how that significantly impacts Luke's character. He still retains the wide eyed innocence. I take R2 no matter what (probably best to at least spray can paint him green) as he is far too useful. Threepio...not so much.
  6. I know you are doing your usual troll. You haven't addressed the points brought up against your argument and are unlikely to do so. So I am just registering my vote for how you have been punked by the other posters. Feel free to argue their points, somehow, I doubt you will. I might play, but you you haven't even come close to successfully arguing against the people who are debating you at the moment. At least IMO.
  7. Good point, he admits to driving while doing so IIRC. You just are slaughtering him Crayonz. How unusually cruel of you.
  8. I would say this was as brutal as what I have seen in PPP, as everyone one of your points has been smashed quite similar to someone else, but I promised not to do so. I still find you amusing in other posts.
  9. Chef just taking a brutal beating. Good job Crayonz.
  10. You may disagree with his position (and I do as well), but nothing wrong with that post IMO.
  11. Hmm, the Ewoks could take Storm Troopers, I bet they could handle the average terrorist. I say we send 7 0f 9 in to deal with them.
  12. That was clearly intended as a right for the Militia, or in other words, the National Guard now. A meal plan perk as it were. But, Chewbacca does not live on Endor. So that means they can build it right?
  13. I live is MS, not Buffalo.
  14. That is what you got out of this thread? Seriously?
  15. Nothing else on when I am driving. I should probably get Sirius.
  16. Love his stuff. A great site.
  17. Between about 20 to 40 minutes a day or so.
  18. Thanks. Dumb rule.
  19. Wow a thread(s) by Tom, I can see why he only replies...
  20. So you want to claim it was a far reaching conspiracy starting back in 61?
  21. Yes, I know, but your argument starts that whole bit about how his mother wasn't old enough. Which is also false, so I try to cut to the chase, there is no way it is believable they faked his birth and planted stories in the newspaper. Just not credible.
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