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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. *clicks the minus button frantically
  2. You are crazy, that "firearm" is hot.
  3. Owww. Wish I could add to your reputation (that is going to get ugly down here btw).
  4. Yeesh, while playing with the option I almost accidentally added you as a friend. I call that a bug.
  5. Lost the caps lock key again I see.
  6. *clicks frantically on the minus button to no avail.
  7. Looks like individual posters. You are even more screwed than I am.
  8. It marks even an immediately edited post as such. Was that your intention?
  9. Yes, reduce it to 0 by 0. I have to say these things before the reputation bit works.
  10. There was an assistant feature which appears to have gone missing. I used it to see my last 10 posts.
  11. Looks good in Droid 1.6
  12. You obviously work with individuals that understand computers. I do not have that luxury.
  13. Sorry if I was not clear, I get that error message when clicking on the Insert Image button. I then pasted in the URL to a picture. Is that the incorrect way to do it? Also, I want to give you money, please let me know how to do so. Send me a PM if necessary.
  14. Did you just paste in the url?
  15. Yeah I was just in tester mode. See my edit for my opinion. I am against images as an option. The ability to disable them changes my mind.
  16. I still get the error message "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this board. " when I click on the Insert Image button and paste in the URL. Perhaps I am doing something wrong? Frankly, not sure I like the idea of adding in images, unless there is an option to turn them off. I don't want my boss to wander in and see me looking at pics of naked women that some ass uploaded.
  17. Gotcha, and frankly it is not a huge issue. I have become a mouse button click fanatic. Edit - Oh and how do I send you money Scott?
  18. I so avoided that comment. Glad someone didn't. Still cannot insert an image Scott but I see yours.
  19. I find that annoying. Not a jab at you, just IMO every link should open a new tab. We have had this discussion at work. I test software as part of my job and we decided years ago to stick to that format.
  20. I cannot see the image, nor click on the link. It gives me the same error message. I tried to insert an Image and it says I am not allowed to.
  21. I cannot see the image, nor click on the link. It gives me the same error message. http://www.zimbio.com/pictures/nnG03398bUO/Buffalo+Bills+v+Indianapolis+Colts/hepQZ6vdhvV/Jared+Lorenzen
  22. Good point, I want them to launch in a new tab. Although it appears only internal links do that.
  23. I like Deep Voice, pity I cannot add to his rep.
  24. Isn't that what he said? Or is this a new feature too?
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