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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. So the total percentage of defaults was what? I am genuinely curious. One would suspect they would need to be fairly high in the US market to trigger a global collapse. These debtors that lacked personal responsibility, how many of them did it take (%wise) to crash the global economy all by themselves? Look, I freely grant that the idiots should have never bought the houses. I admit that democratic policies lead to this fiasco to some degree. The banks were still the the major players. They led to the uncertainty IMO.
  2. So you don't see that as a contributing factor? Or do you deny it happened?
  3. The author lists some of the more egregious examples, yet the vast majority is inefficiency ($120 million paid out in retirement and disability payments to deceased federal workers) and fraud ($1 billion in tax credits for energy-efficient home improvements awarded to individuals who, according to a survey by the Treasury’s secretary general for tax administration, “had no record of owning a home.” Recipients included hundreds of prisoners, and children as young as three). So let's remove those for a minute. The rest of his examples added together total $30,845,000. Still a substantial sum for sure, but come to find out, of that $30,845,000, $27,800,000 are tied up in two things. 17.8 million in aid to China $10 million awarded by the U.S. Agency for International Development to a Pakistani arts organization to create “130 episodes of an indigenously produced Sesame Street.” Odd that, China and Pakistan. Wonder if they are areas of concern? In any case, the remaining examples amount to $3,045,000. So, of the 6.5 billion of waste for totally frivolous spending, you want to quibble over quail? Way to keep your eye on the ball.
  4. Yeah, I seem so outraged. Thanks for telling me how I feel.
  5. So you are wishing death on people, cute.
  6. Yeah, I am the only one to call Dave racist. On the other hand, you are his sole defender. Speaks volumes.
  7. See, that would have been funny. I thought he did it on purpose, but I guess not.
  8. Yeah, Eryn has never struck me as racist or obviously trying to support a racist. You have obviously tried to support Dave. Own it. You want to support Dave, well then step up to the plate 3rdrate. Do not equivocate. Oh and it is obviously.
  9. Because people like him do not have the guts to talk their trash face to face.
  10. No worries. Well, my point was that he wouldn't because he is a closet racist. People like that do not talk openly about their views. I am neither big, tough, or evenly particularly skilled anymore. Never been black.
  11. Yeah, I am the one on a crusade.
  12. Cute, but I am not supporting the OWS cause. I have an issue with how the police responded. You are a smart enough troll to know that, so try a different tact if you want to mess with me.
  13. As far as books go I tend to read say 3 a week. Since I am a speed reader of sorts, I tend to read say 40-60 articles a day. Why do you ask?
  14. Dave does not go to rally's. He is a fine upstanding man. Just ask his best friend 3rdrate.
  15. Loser. Oh and I love the fact you support Dave, but are accusing me of a crusade. Speaks volumes as to your character.
  16. Says the guy who thinks "And now you know the rest of the story" proves me wrong somehow. Even though your link proved me right.
  17. You were not at all clear you thought both sides were stupid when you said, "And now you know the rest of the story". In fact, all you proved was my point, the police were stupid. Thanks.
  18. How is it drive by when I have responded to all your posts you 3rdrate poster?
  19. So you admit you were arguing for the police at first? If not, then your point seems invalid. Posting after me when we have a history and saying. "And now we have the rest of the story" is certaintly not going to be taken as you are even partially agreeing with me. So you agree with the cops or not? I say they were in the wrong.
  20. Well 3rdrate, you try and pull **** {note I am not trying to circumvent the language filter like yourself) like "And now you have the rest of the story" and post a link that is bull ****. More to the point, you often try and validate Dave, yet when I remark you and he are tight, you take that as an offense. Odd that.
  21. You and Dave are so tight. Odd that.
  22. Well, if you felt it was wrong, you sure tap danced around saying so.
  23. Nah, you and it makes me feel guilty.
  24. You whine I pick on you and then keep replying to my posts. Might want to rethink that strategy.
  25. Link That is just an awesome excuse. You pepper spray people inside the circle to break out. LMAO
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