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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. So you cannot prove it then. "98%" you said it and one of the few things you have ever gotten right is the statement, "Words mean something." Of course you screwed it up after that by usually not understanding what was said.
  2. 98% huh? You're the data cruncher, prove it. Or did you pull that number out of your ass like you did the horror of a little boy's arm being crushed by those despicable Muslims? That was debunked a while ago on Snopes. Way to keep up genius.
  3. I haven't been a bartender since way before I started posting here. I used to think of you a pompous, narcissistic ass. Now I know better, you are a pompous, narcissistic ass with a glass jaw. Frankly, you react far too predictably to even be entertaining and I have left you alone for that reason.
  4. You were serious about that?
  5. Please link me to the negative connotation of the word Cordoba. From the Cordoba Initiative website:
  6. http://www.guardian.co.uk/spanish-tourist-board/cordoba-city-changed-world
  7. Perhaps he approved of your post. It was a good one. Welcome back Unhazed.
  8. Now everyone does know and you didn't even have to vote...
  9. True. Hey SDS, would the software support a max of two (or four or whatever) ratings for each individual poster per rating poster. So, for examples sake, I could rate Dev twice total, could be a negative and a positive or two of either.
  10. Completely agreed, I will never think of Karl the same way. Complete scumbag.
  11. Good god people, he eats crayons. He spells it out for you and you continue to fall for it.
  12. You are !@#$ed beyond belief. Still, no reason to deny the ones who want you mark you negative. Consider yourself a test subject. You can set the max negative.
  13. I am confused, I thought you were pro-legalization.
  14. Well, I was joking. I can see issues with it. Scott has yet to say how it will be implemented as far as I know. I say two ratings total for each individual poster. So you could conceivably rate a person positive and negative canceling out your vote. Two negatives max or two positives max. Just my take and may not be possible with the software.
  15. Beerball is so !@#$ed too.
  16. *looks innocent, "How about now."
  17. I follow, but wow. If it makes you feel better, our company still uses what was supposed to be an inventory control system to manipulate records. It causes all sorts of issues if you try to do too much. One aspect of my job is to explain how not to do those things. We are switching over to all web based applications. It has been sort of a trial, but at least we have Firefox.
  18. He could only migrate over what had been saved at a certain point at a guess. He did make an announcement about it.
  19. Wow, that sucks. They stick you with IE6, really? God, we even got our German division to switch to Firefox. And they are so anti-change.
  20. Way to keep up brother. *points at the changes to the site
  21. Beerball had issues with IE6. And why not download Firefox? Just run a separate browser session for this site IMO. Eats a bit of memory, but shouldn't be much of an issue.
  22. And we assume you stand around in fishnet stockings posing with them.
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