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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Same experience. If I hadn't stopped to add a smart ass remark in the topic description...
  2. Well, this should make you happy. I am really starting to think that Connor has been taking us for a ride for a long time. If so, Crayonz has to give up his crown (crayon?). Beck was someone I liked at one point. He seemed reasonable. Something happened and he either chose to become the man he is today intentionally, or he simply snapped.
  3. Beat me to it by seconds. I will delete mine and add my quote and point. Wow, if the car wasn't stopped at a red light when the cop car pulled up behind them, the cops had an uncanny sense of smell...
  4. http://search.dilbert.com/search?w=your+social+security+number&x=0&y=0
  5. Wow x 2 (the women) and totally agreed.
  6. I can't either, but I can help. Just check 3rdnlng's recent posting history, he posted a link to the article I believe...
  7. Nimble !@#$er isn't he?
  8. Odd, who would have thought you would find something funny like that?
  9. Yes, but laughing at someone and making fun of them to the point they retreat and/or screw up, is far more effective than than just letting them play their game and causing misery IMO. I can think of a certain someone that fits that bill actually...
  10. Agreed mostly. Nice post earlier btw on what the republicans need to do to win in whichever thread it was.
  11. Interestingly enough, from looking at some of the polls in 2009, the number of birthers has decreased it appears.
  12. While standing on his head even.
  13. http://www.oliverwillis.com/2010/08/04/cnn-poll-41-of-republicans-are-birthers-or-have-birther-sentiments/ And if you thought me posting a CNN poll was bad, here is a Daily Kos one. http://friendsofjustice.wordpress.com/2009/07/31/daily-kos-poll-shows-the-birther-movement-is-a-southern-thing/
  14. http://www.webcitation.org/5R9ikXAUH
  15. They have put worms in space, don't you look like the idiot now...
  16. Close it out(for now, as you have been such a punk I reserve the right to rip you a new one later) at 12/12. A quick scan of my posts and replies to anything Ocin said (prior to today) since he was unable to back up his 98% figure shows I am way below that. Add in my replies in the threads he is in (even not replies about him), shows a far lower figure than 98%. Score one for the bartender.
  17. Last chance you putz. How was I lying and how do you reconcile your 98% with how you keep responding to me and only counting today's replies. 11 of 11 and I look for someone decent to pick on.
  18. So that is a no. Come up with something original or I am done with you. I cannot believe this is the best... ok never mind. /me pats the puppy on the head, "Where are my slippers?"
  19. Are we at 98% yet over any time frame other than today?
  20. "Roll over" "Fetch my non-existent paper"
  21. Make it 4 for 4 /me pats you on the head, "Good puppy."
  22. So you predict 98% and then start counting when I reply to said statement. There is a reason I said you were not worth the time, thanks for proving it. Ocin, you have valid points at times. You genuinely do. You are such a frigging spaz the other 98% (to just pluck a random number from the air, albeit far closer than yours) of the time whatever message you have is drowned out by your reputation. I will stop picking on you every few weeks (at most), I do not want to see you have a complete meltdown. Or you can keep replying and I will keep beating you senseless, your choice.
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