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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Holy ****, I just skimmed it, but that sure seems to actually trash Connors point if I read it right.
  2. Wow, so you freely admit you have problems wherever you go.
  3. You are actually comparing 9/11 to the Holocaust? OMFG
  4. Agreed, and I will freely grant most (numerically) are liberal at times. However, once you start touting that your guys (no offense) have the majority of the ratings on television and radio, it becomes increasingly difficult to say it is a liberal media. Jon Stewart is better than most. I have respect for Magox. I assume your post was sarcasm.
  5. So you say Palin and Beck do it solely out of concern for the country. That is their statement essentially. Am I correct?
  6. How so? Stewart is an admitted liberal. Fox is "fair and balanced" and he pokes fun at their regular commentators. Many of whom claim to be non-partisan. I consider you an actual conservative for the record. Perhaps I was wrong if you think Stewart does not raise valid criticisms at least occasionally.
  7. By Jon Stewart? I actually haven't watched any of his stuff on Glen Beck's rally. That was just a shot at Fox News who he regularly punks.
  8. Not really IIRC. Seems like they forgot to add in things like the troops around Iraq, the overflights etc. That wasn't part of the budget. They also left out things like Federal Aid to disaster areas, which always happens and should be accounted for. Social Security was basically added into the general budget (not a federal tax though, according to many Conservatives, to throw a barb their way). So that was a general bonus to federal income at the time. I could be wrong, but that is my recollection.
  9. You shouldn't say that about Fox News reporters, it isn't nice.
  10. There is such an element of "Yeah, well this is payback for Bush and nucular" to this IMO. Look, you have got LA critiquing him for lost conviction. Only the criticism and jokes started in 2008.
  11. I will back Tom up on that. He has been extremely consistent in that point.
  12. http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_upshot/20100901/pl_yblog_upshot/muslim-americans-launch-pr-initiaive-promote-911-as-day-of-national-service
  13. Don't feel bad, that is relatively nice for Tom. I should note, speeches mean nothing.
  14. Reuse eball's avatar...
  15. Honestly, I never noticed it and still do not.
  16. Do paraplegics look different from the neck up?
  17. See how cleverly "she" has fooled him? Posting quickly at work is never a good idea.
  18. That gets two :rolleyes: You have little room to talk, especially with that old cliche.
  19. Please, she so has you fooled.
  20. He and Lana are back together?
  21. The world needs more of that.
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