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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Gay guys sleeping with waitresses?
  2. Please, the servers got laid way more, of course that may simply be because they had the money to spring for drinks for the waitresses ...
  3. I knew a cocktail who poured an entire bottle of Tabasco into a ladies drink (a Bloody Mary) who was not tipping. The little old lady had a heart attack and almost died. The casino as well as the waitress was sued. Food for thought?
  4. Not to mention Tom watches the Twilight series.
  5. For the record, as I have not had time to chime in (either thread here or PPP), I also support Jones' right to be wrong. Of course if he somehow does it incorrectly and they nail him on a technicality of arson, it won't faze me. If he walks outside his house and to steal a phrase from Crayonz (sorta), someone lops his head off and it goes bouncing down the stairs, again no issues with it. I will want his killers arrested. This really seems to tie into the Mosque near the site of the old WTC. I totally agreed with their right to build it and yet thought that they should have more sensitivity to other's feelings. The mischaracterization by the media of certain aspects of it was pathetic. The whole Cordoba name for an example. If they are genuine terrorists then simply monitor the **** out of them. Makes it way easier for LEO if they know where the bad guys are. Shut it down when you can prove it. It really is that simple. This guy wants to burn books. That tells me all I need to know. Some good posts in this thread, kudos guys.
  6. I would have thought that with the Bills and the way you guys drive that your stress level would be way higher...
  7. I have the opposite problem as I have a new class of trainees that just started yesterday. The first week of three generally (been doing this 3 1/2 years) I always start them off with the easy stuff. One woman (the cute one sadly) called in this morning to quit saying it seemed too hard. Now I have a guy trying to nap in my class today. They don't start till 11:30...
  8. You are such a good puppy. Now fetch my slippers.
  9. I am for infrastructure. I have lost all faith in this administration though and I think they should not spend another dime.
  10. LA remember when I called you a partisan hack? My bad, you are so not a partisan hack in comparison.
  11. Okay. I do recall that now and completely agreed.
  12. Actually I was just using your phrase to slam the right, not a slam on you. I do not recall you commenting in this thread.
  13. I thought of including you, but I have no !@#$ing clue who you vote for.
  14. Please, the right is the one girling down... Check the political affiliation of the ones wringing their hands over a basic right. Edit - I should note that GG is a notable exception.
  15. More of a joke actually. He posted that earlier without reading it at a guess.
  16. Can you refute these findings? http://www.geocraft.com/WVFossils/greenhouse_data.html
  17. I am so proud of my neighbors. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100903/ap_on_re_us/us_tennessee_mosque Hopefully they are just a few extremists and the majority of us will condemn them...
  18. Damn, you are rail thin brother. I know a guy 6'8" who weighs about 170. He eats like a pig, played MMOs all day, since he was laid up after an accident for over six years and never gained a bit of weight. Well, maybe two pounds...
  19. There is only one way to lose weight IMO. Burn more calories than you take in. Sure, it helps if you eat food that your body processes better, but calories count. Exercise helps, but just with how your body processes the calories. The actual exercise burns a trivial amount of calories basically. After the first few days of a diet your stomach shrinks a little and you get full easier. I just spaced my "meals/snacks" throughout the day. Eat a decent breakfast of say two scrambled eggs highly spiced for taste and with a drop of cheese and maybe a sausage or two slices of bacon as an example. I would take say an orange, green apple, or grapes for two of my snacks. Two bad snacks of say peanuts or peanut butter crackers. Then for dinner I ate say two blackened chicken breasts (I love chicken) with a side of some vegetable (or pasta if I was cheating). Total calories for the day averaged say 1600. I took a supplement during the time so that helped round out my diet. I eliminated drinking for the most part, but the best part about a diet is you get drunk so easily. I let myself splurge once a week and would eat something like I used to and then buy a 6 pack. What was normally a light buzz was a full fledged drunk. Find your target weight and multiply by 11 is a great way to go when counting calories. I forced myself to x 10. Hope that helps and I am sure someone will say I am wrong in 10, 9, 8... LMAO I know. I was 180 at one point with almost all muscle and I got fairly advanced in martial arts. Haven't done them in years and and I am now almost small. Complete ego downer.
  20. 6'0" (Okay really 5'11 3/4")
  21. Honestly, I have all but given up burgers. I went on a diet which is mostly over now (LAMP-weighed today dropped from 225 to 162 over say eight months). Been dieting since January basically and I think I have had two burgers during that period. I used to eat 3-4 a week. The last one I had was a couple of months ago and it tasted really blah. This was a Danvers burger and I loved those. I think I have lost my taste for them really. Mind you, I treat myself to a NY strip and shrimp combo say once a week. I still love red meat, but burgers, not so much. I may grill a burger this weekend and see how that goes.
  22. You actually eat at Burger King? I haven't since they made the King a creepy stalker dude.
  23. This plays to my theory that Connor is a master troll. No one can be that !@#$ing stupid.
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