There is only one way to lose weight IMO. Burn more calories than you take in. Sure, it helps if you eat food that your body processes better, but calories count. Exercise helps, but just with how your body processes the calories. The actual exercise burns a trivial amount of calories basically. After the first few days of a diet your stomach shrinks a little and you get full easier. I just spaced my "meals/snacks" throughout the day. Eat a decent breakfast of say two scrambled eggs highly spiced for taste and with a drop of cheese and maybe a sausage or two slices of bacon as an example. I would take say an orange, green apple, or grapes for two of my snacks. Two bad snacks of say peanuts or peanut butter crackers. Then for dinner I ate say two blackened chicken breasts (I love chicken) with a side of some vegetable (or pasta if I was cheating). Total calories for the day averaged say 1600. I took a supplement during the time so that helped round out my diet.
I eliminated drinking for the most part, but the best part about a diet is you get drunk so easily. I let myself splurge once a week and would eat something like I used to and then buy a 6 pack. What was normally a light buzz was a full fledged drunk.
Find your target weight and multiply by 11 is a great way to go when counting calories. I forced myself to x 10. Hope that helps and I am sure someone will say I am wrong in 10, 9, 8...
LMAO I know. I was 180 at one point with almost all muscle and I got fairly advanced in martial arts. Haven't done them in years and and I am now almost small. Complete ego downer.