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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Stop replying to yourself, it is just embarrassing.
  2. In an ideal world, the Tea Party would be socially and fiscally conservative and the Republican party socially liberal and fiscally conservative or vice-versa. The label means nothing to me.
  3. "No point in yelling at him, he is not salvageable." Thanks. I don't normally L.A.M.P., but one of my more memorable working days since joining the corporate environment. Now the day when I was a bartender with the strippers and the coke...
  4. Meant to reply today, but was super busy. I will buy that he might be infatuated with the attention. I genuinely think he could get more positive attention to his cause if he simply moved the mosque. Mind you, he shouldn't have to. Adam, from what I have read there is a mosque there already, but the minaret makes all the difference now. Well, that and the super secret terrorist training center they plan to build.
  5. L.A.M.P. What a freaking good day. This morning, a big meeting for the 2nd tier management (Owner of the company and then them) came in. They were using my training room to meet with a representative of IBM as it has all the bells and whistles on the projection screen (touch and such) and plenty of computers. Well someone from IT should have been there to meet with the guy. No one was, so I helped the guy from IBM get set up for the meeting. I got all the computers set up for the 4 people in the meeting and even had to foresight to post the password for each individual computer on the monitor with little labels so they would be able to unlock all the computers when they inevitably went into standby mode because no one had touched them in 15 minutes. Later after he got out of the meeting, my boss's boss walked up to me and said, "Thanks, you saved the day. I really appreciate the initiative." So, later in the day a meeting was held for my whole department where they were essentially yelled at (not really yelling, but you get the gist) for not doing their job. We have a very laid back customer service department with tons of people that have been there for years. People (not all, maybe half) have become too relaxed. Not focused on their job basically. My boss laid down the law and even said no eating at your desk. Which is basically a punishment, that will probably be relaxed when people focus. I had known that was coming, but was not required to be in that meeting. After that, all the floor supervisors were pulled into a meeting with my boss. It went on for two hours. They got yelled at (probably a raised voice with my boss at best) for not making the floor people focus and were called out for their behaviors (not all are goofing off but some are). That was more of a B word at session I was told. I was not in that meeting. After that, I nervously asked my boss, "Is there a meeting for me?" as I have a unique position in the department. My boss said, "Nope, you're fine." So in a department of 62 people, 60 people were yelled at. I was not and presumably my boss was not.
  6. At this point, here is my take, the Imam should move the Mosque. He should be the bigger man than the 60-70% of the US. Just move it and if there are consequences, so be it. Due to the way the media has spun this story, he has no choice. Yet another sad failing of our media IMO. Maybe the guy is an an asshat terrorist. I know I do not trust our media to determine his true callings. Maybe he will bring in terrorists to train at this or yet another mosque as many allege. Making him move should make us safer... The whole bit about a victory mosque has been debunked (Cordoba part at least). Move it, show you are a bigger man. Our whole country has failed to prove itself. Not a shot at anyone, as I truly do understand why you feel the way you do.
  7. Aren't we all? Except for Tom, he is just classless.
  8. I get that. Is it really that bad?
  9. You are funny lately, but why?
  10. Anyone that responded to that in a serious fashion got hooked.
  11. Why is 60 million of public money being spent on a church for 70 families?
  12. No way, from what I have heard Jack is umm eager ... See, the deal is not off.
  13. This topic really required 738 posts? Really? 63% of Americans think Muslims should enjoy their reduced right nation wide? Congrats. This is your topic and lets see how arch conservatives are viewed historically.
  14. Are you serious? I am sure he would be equally outraged. Frigging moron ...
  15. If you want drugs, consult the back of the house. If you bought them from the front of the house, it was at a markup.
  16. We are screwed if a waitress reads this. I could see a genuinely talented Chef (very fine dining) maybe moving up to a tie with Assistant Managers in specific restaurants. The same argument can be made for Waiters though. They have to sell the overpriced crap. In all seriousness, I have a lot of respect for a good Chef. The job is very similar (stress wise) to a Bartenders in a lot of ways. Bartenders have to put on a public persona. Everyone wants a show in a way (think the movie Cocktail where they manage to make 1 shooter in 3 minutes with 300 patrons wrapped around the bar), and they expect the product (drinks) to be what they want. So for Bourbon and Coke it should be 3/4s Bourbon and 1/4 Coke like at home. I could make that, just do not B word about the price. We have to deal with unwitting new hires (servers) who ask why the White Zinfandel is not white. Chefs have to deal with unwitting customers and servers as well. "Why did you sell him a Sirloin well done? If he wants shoe leather, give him your shoe." They work in almost unbearable heat and for long hours where absolute concentration is required to produce an edible meal for hundreds of people. When there is a a ton of different types of recipes to be made they have to prep and do so in a very coordinated fashion. They have to consider what is to be prepared for an average night. Over prepare for the night and stuff goes to waste which increases food costs. Under prepare and you wreck the restaurant. Wait times, reservations, tips, GMs/owners mood goes to ****, everything. In nearly unbearable heat at times. A really good server on the other hand can suggestive sell the crap out of everything (increasing sales and profitability if not necessarily percentage of profits), without using such stupid **** as the "Sullivan Nod". They know how to turn and burn a table. They know the product you are producing and suggest what you and I make best. All of them are important in a well run restaurant. That includes the Hostess, Busboys, and the Dishwashers as well. When one is lacking, it impacts everyone.
  17. Really the issue there is you have 3rd world countries with say a 12th century mentality in certain sections.
  18. I was a waiter for two years and a bartender for fifteen years. I was just sticking up for the front of the house. Clearly, the waitresses are whores. General Manager Bartender Assistant Managers Waiter/Cook (tie and best I will grant you Chef) Hostess Busboy Dishwasher (beaten by a guy with boy in his title, but the extra cooking could elevate you to his status)
  19. So wait, you are saying the waiters smelled worse after they washed off the cheap cologne? Edit-take care Chef. I have to run, if you want we can renew our front of the house vs back of the house tomorrow.
  20. Could be worse I suppose. They could have horrible BO after their deodorant (assuming they could afford it) failed two hours into their shift since they were in intense heat all night.
  21. Waiters control the weather?
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