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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. I got it the first time. All good.
  2. Bolded - Fair enough, they could include doubters. Technically according to the faiths that I know, they are not Christians or even Muslims from what I know. Still, try to add all that up to 90%.
  3. Read that before, but I see a significant difference with the a 90% claim. First off, 6% refused the poll. Second 12% are definitely not believers. Then there are another 12% that believe in something else. That is without delving into the poll questions. Gene will have a hard time proving 90% believe in God in any case.
  4. Bolded - Not what you said, and it is indeed a backpedal. Italicized - Link please Bolded and italicized - Tis a matter of faith. By definition you cannot prove it. Sad really, you usually are a better poster than that.
  5. TMI TMI
  6. I would settle for some Naquadah generators.
  7. You broke my internet.
  8. That is a start. Gene, think for a bit. You have people of all stripes telling you that you at best being obstinate. Has organized religion done bad things throughout history? So you want it to simply go away. Well, of course it has, as have governments. Can I then argue from an anarchist's position that we should abandon all government? I presume you will respond something along the lines of, "Well government is needed, whereas religion is not." So let me rebut that one here and you can proceed from there, obviously there is a need for religion as it has been around as long as governments have. Clearly, many of mankind has a need for both. I am still waiting on my overwhelming evidence by the way.
  9. This, although I admit the possibility they might be among us. I just seriously doubt it. Otherwise, well said and I am in complete agreement.
  10. He is trying to say, "Same hardware and a different O/S for 3 times the price." Which has some validity. Apple has some nice bells and whistles though and depending on what application you are trying to use, can be better.
  11. Be nice, he isn't an idiot...
  12. Really? Present your overwhelming evidence and do not start with the Earth is 6,000 years old. There are very few that believe that, but with an omnipotent God, even that is possible.
  13. While Jobs might be rich and hyper intelligent, she came off better than him IMO. He never had to respond. He chose to respond and responded as a complete dick. I would guess he likes doing that.
  14. Sorta obvious what her problem is.
  15. Agreed...
  16. http://www.motivationalposter.us/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/1204314009551.jpg http://www.rotheblog.com/images/misc/tombrady_epiphany.jpg At least he has a sense of humor. And just to be fair. http://buffalowdown.com/files/2009/06/slide2-300x225.jpg http://buffalowdown.com/files/2009/06/slide1-300x225.jpg
  17. Yeah, you are just filled with self doubt.
  18. Wow tons of typos in the first couple of links. That speaks poorly for your cause.
  19. Umm speaking to the whole honor thing, isn't part of the contract what happens if the payer cannot pay the payee? Or rather in this case refuses to do so? Both sides walked into the contract knowing what could happen. Am I missing something?
  20. Tom is right, Fish hunting is an appropriate term depending on how Connor meant it. I watched a guy fire off arrow after arrow and nail every fish he could see. What with the optical illusion of water, I was so impressed. He was like 20-20 and has a wall full of trophies for similar stuff. Somehow I doubt that is what Connor meant, but still...
  21. He did not say the actions of the idiots are the same. Think about it.
  22. I consider that a good thing.
  23. Didn't you walk away from a house or somesuch? Someone else maybe?
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