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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Ahh we are more alike than I thought...
  2. Completely agreed. She is so not worth his time IMO. Anyone who cheats on their lover is a loser. If they are unhappy, they need to man or woman up and break up first before cheating.
  3. You said: Which is clearly wrong. You were not off by a bit. Just flat out wrong. It really is that simple.
  4. Very true and good point. Ahh the irony.
  5. Cute, only by your own admission you cannot stay away. Must suck for you, addicted to a board full of people you have no respect for.
  6. That speaks more about you than what I said.
  7. Step away from her brother. If she does that to you, then you have to get away from her. Rely on yourself and find solace in the fact that you do not need her. Stop trying to get back with her. You should just flat out ignore her. Over time, you may be able to be friends with her again. Just my advice.
  8. That is wrong. You can get good advice here, you just have to ask in the right way. Hell, Don got good advice even with the wrong attitude, he just got a ration of **** along with the advice.
  9. Because it is always about you isn't it.
  10. Good post, you managed to slam Doc more than Lybob though.
  11. I side with the cop. She was way out of line for saying that. With that said, what a kitty of a cop.
  12. I know he cannot do that, 30 minute limit I think. A my bad post would do it IMO.
  13. Glad to hear it. Hope she is back to normal.
  14. Be fair, he probably does not know how to edit it. Not even sure he can edit it anymore. Pretty sure he cannot actually.
  15. We have a big event here with tons of bands, she was one of the singers. I guess she forgot her lip syncing equipment (or just had a bad night). It was atrocious. On the upside, the woman I was with really likes her...
  16. That was an excellent article.
  17. He is saying (in my interpretation of it, not speaking for Magox) that if they get too specific, they give fuel to the fire for the Democrats to make hay with (to mix metaphors). Why do that when they seem to be set? This will be a bloodbath for the Democrats that will make 94 seem tame and normal.
  18. I get you are young, but not funny.
  19. She has a nice body. Can't sing worth crap though. I heard her live and wow she was bad. Loved that first song though.
  20. You aren't interested in having a discussion so I am not inclined to even debate it (your story keeps changing) with you. I will just mark you down as someone who hates well over 90% of the country when you factor in rednecks and those who believe in a God of some sort. Must be lonely in your world.
  21. I wonder if the sentence, "I want you to stop." was confusing.
  22. A canned response would have been the way to deal with her if he chose to do so. He forwards it to the appropriate person and a polite, "No way in hell we deal with you due to the overwhelming...blah blah blah" is sent. He chose to respond to her, spending way more time than he should have or simply delete it. He is clearly an asshat.
  23. That is relatively mild, you should curse them with a banana hammock.
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