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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. If you can set it to 1000 posts per page, only nine pages total.
  2. http://www.google.com/search?q=muslims+denouncing+terrorists&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a#hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=0gR&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&&sa=X&ei=B8-jTNjGJoG0lQe25rXJDA&ved=0CBQQBSgA&q=muslims+denouncing+terrorism&spell=1&fp=c6affe93747c32d0 Muslims denouncing terrorism as search terms = About 5,290,000 results. Mind you, they aren't all about Muslims denouncing terrorism, but yeesh. Why don't we hear about it? Well, it ain't going to spike ratings.
  3. Aww, *hugs
  4. You are either misreading the quotes or intentionally misrepresenting them. Many of the founders, John Adams included were Deists. They had an issue with organized religion, not a lack of belief in a God.
  5. I went to a work conference in Arizona. We had these manuals to hand out for employees essentially. Over 10,000 of them all boxed up 10 to a box and nicely sealed. I helped with the handout and had to bust open probably 100 boxes. We used box cutters that were sent by truck along with all the other gear for conference. I ended up with two of them in the back pocket on the leg of my pants. I packed up all my clothes in my travel bag for the flight home. I get home and throw all the clothes on the floor by the washing machine. I hear this clink and search the pants. I had traveled on a plane from Arizona to Memphis with two box cutters in my carry on.
  6. So you defend the Muslim faith right? Oh only your particular version of God? Hypocrite.
  7. OC=Conner, it all becomes clear now.
  8. I doubt it was an actual automatic though. Semi-auto sure, but the media always mangles that. The actual AK-47 is selective fire (switching between the modes), but those are fairly hard to get.
  9. And now you know… the rest of the story.
  10. How do you know 1billsfan is lazy?
  11. Please, that is the best you have? Too funny, I will leave you alone tonight, as I wouldn't want to make you cry or anything. I am not going in till noon, so I could trash you for at least an hour more, but I won't.
  12. The way I get under your skin with so little effort is just hilarious.
  13. Ahh an actual name then? I believe you. I was just amused. It looked like a typo.
  14. Reads like an Onion article.
  15. Maybe a peanut vendor, short throws, but he would fire them off slowly, so maybe not.
  16. So you are voting for Cuomo...
  17. I would trust you, just going to let my ex-wife eat some first...
  18. Will check with him tomorrow. He usually goes hunting around this time of year. Thanks, I assume you won't !@#$ with my food.
  19. +1 Glad you had a good time Chef. Is that offer for a care package with venison still open? My boss is a big hunter and should bring in some soon.
  20. I almost commented on that, but figured one of the women around here is a redhead.
  21. You missed a step though, somehow it will relate to him and his personal experiences.
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