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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Stop, I hate the healthcare bill, but by 2012 we will not have spent 1 trillion on it. That is over the whole 10 years.
  2. Does it exceed what you pay in gas, booze, cigarettes (if you smoke), death (when you die, it will happen), medicare, and unemployment taxes? To me all the taxes are the same. I realize that benefits are being passed out and these taxes are used to pay for these benefits, so Joebob might be getting a good deal for what he is paying in, but he is paying is my point. That is all.
  3. I believe you meant to say income tax.
  4. I think that bit is from the hammock.
  5. I want to congratulate you as this win truly validates your existence.
  6. Not one of the victims I was hoping for
  7. Evidently, so did he.
  8. If you two teamed up, you could overtake Steely. Mind you, barely...
  9. Jon Stewart sucks, pure fluff. Doesn't hold a candle to true news guys like Hannity, Beck and Limbaugh.
  10. I say they should be prosecuted, in China... I'm not keen on China's human rights record - but their treatment of corrupt officials is spot on.
  11. And that is a bad thing?
  12. and can hook you up. Link
  13. We are only about 139,000 posts from winning this thing. Quick, someone clone Steely a few hundred times.
  14. Hey, if he has a bunch of gold, I am inclined to trust him...
  15. Maybe they are lying about the girls laughing, as they are suing the school, but if not, that is some seriously young evil... Link
  16. That does not look like my mother.
  17. Poor Gringo
  18. More than welcome
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