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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Any chance we could get a group discount on tickets? Do you know anyone in their immigration bureau?
  2. This is BS, but can anyone point to an actual federal mandate where a federal or state employee is required to inspect lunches? Where they (local/state) are required to replace items sent in? Did I miss that? Thanks. Oh and if so, I am ready to march with you on Washington to protest. With that said, processed food and diets need to change, but the parents need to do it.
  3. Yeah, and don't we have 18 of the Ohio class with 24 each? 24 x 18... carry the 1... That seems more than 350. Also, what would happen to a country (say China or India as they have a large area of land) that was hit with 30 nukes (some sort of spread pattern concentrating on urban areas) in your opinion?
  4. These guys make Kaos from Get Smart look like evil masterminds and gifted spies.
  5. Selling 26 shares of APPL at $494.42. Total cash on hand - $12,865.09.
  6. Two separate things. I had spent a fair amount of time here on these boards reading if nothing else. So that hour, or two a day at times, had to go away if I was going to try to start up the business. I had family, my usual job that I still work of 40 hours a week, and this new small business. As expected, it ate up huge amounts of time to even get versed enough in it to pitch it, but it is going well now. Why would I waste that time that could be so profitably spent in my own favor when idiots/trolls like you waste the majority of the time here?
  7. Sarah Palin is more articulate than you. We can prove it thanks to her e-mails. Did you have anything to say? I have to run as I have a training to do in 30 minutes. You admitted to playing a character. Do you deny that?
  8. I was MIA due to starting up my own small business. I decided to stop wasting time arguing with guys who admit to being a "character" on the internet unless I had time to waste. Unlike others who feel the need to announce their going away only to come back, I only did the latter. And with my schedule the next few weeks, I would not expect me here much.
  9. No offense, I hesitate to reply to you as I am afraid you will
  10. A supermodel who has your back and only wants you. Damn, I so hate Brady.
  11. This looks like it was about to fall in the archive. I currently have 26 shares of APPL and 10.17 in cash. That adds up a total of $12,403.85~24% ROI. Seems like someone was doing better. Update?
  12. I wouldn't have used the word RK did, but he hardly seems bent out of shape. I also agree with both things he is saying people are overreacting about. Sure, Giselle wasn't media savvy and her comment was cringe worthy if you are Tom Brady. At the same time, if I am Brady, pretty cool my wife has my back. Just my take and one would imagine that there is some awkwardness with Brady, his wife and some of the WRs. But, if those guys are big enough bitches to take exception to what some supermodel said when THEY DID F-UP, **** find another team. Of the WRs the only talent is really Welker, as Brady makes the rest of them (note I said WRs). As to the bolded, do you hold every advertisement to such stringent requirements as to promoting their product? What about this particular advertisement makes you interested? In any case, wouldn't it seem that the ad agency did their job?
  13. More proof DiN is a Conservative troll. No die hard liberal like he claims to be would use that phrase.
  14. ... Nohght I rikkconanf a spellcheck?
  15. bjobs is 5 letters, but you have always struggled with spelling, so props. Well done.
  16. My company monitors all of those! Edit - Well, not this one. ""blogs that cover bird flu … news and activity along U.S. borders … drug trafficking and cybercrime""
  17. Looks like an open of 425.91. Any advice?
  18. Buying 26 shares of APPL at whatever the open is. Say, do I use after hours numbers or the start? Please, don't abuse me too badly as I admitted to being a novice. Thanks.
  19. Selling 26 shares of APPL at $426.22 each. $11081.72 total from the sale. $11,083.83 on hand. Edit - To put cash on hand.
  20. Try not to be a bigger douche than you normally are, you know what his point was. As to the topic: Sounds like she has his back. Now you can disagree with their philosophy and their plans (which I do), but calling her a B word is out the box if you ask me. I disagreed with Nancy Reagan, but never called her a B word. Same with the Bush first ladies. But you Republicans tell yourself you are different...
  21. Ah, I see, you were joking about 3 million in waste. Yow weren't actually making a point. Well played...
  22. I blame the liberal's as well as the bank's policies. With the CDS stuff, I tend to blame the banks more. The loss in faith in the real estate industry had a ton of contributing factors, liberal policies among them, but the banks played a bigger role IMO. Someone prove me wrong.
  23. What does that have to do with the NYT article or Countrywides' behavior? I asked you a specific question,
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