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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Happy Birthday crayonz, err I mean NG.
  2. Happy Birthday brother in suffering
  3. Denial is typical for people like you, isn't it... Richard.
  4. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me.
  5. They got too stoned or were new to it. This from a guy who eats crayons and has a lot of hamsters for some bizarre reason...
  6. Pot doesn't cause hangovers. Oh and Wacka's views depend on what Hannity and Limbaugh are saying that particular day.
  7. So you are against something you know little about? Link
  8. Pity about the Sarlacc. I should mention that AD is the trash compacter monster. Which is incidentally named a Dianoga.
  9. Of course he is. It is in his name Captain Obvious.
  10. Probably and oops, link
  11. New York Times Budget Puzzle: You Fix the Budget
  12. LONDON — A Swedish prosecutor said on Thursday that she would seek a court order for the arrest of Julian Assange, founder of the WikiLeaks whistle-blower’s Web site, for questioning on charges of rape and other offenses. Mr. Assange claims that the charges are retalition for WikiLeaks posting on its Web site a cache of 77,000 secret Pentagon documents on the war in Afghanistan, and following up last month by posting nearly 400,000 Pentagon documents, also secret, on the Iraq war. The US State Department categorically denied those claims. However, one anonymous official stated, "Betcha he can't prove that."
  13. Copy/paste the URL
  14. Link
  15. Got a real nice helicopter crash towards the end.
  16. Looks great. Opening scene may be NSFW for some places (shows a couple cuddling in bed). Link
  17. I think that feeling is indigestion...
  18. Man, May your descendants be cursed with an acute sense of smell and banana hammocks for apparel.
  19. I stand refudiated. Link
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