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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Link Sounds very preliminary and quite possibly useless or even dangerous. However, if it panned out, the consequences could be both great and possibly backbreaking (overpopulation anyone?). Could solve the Social Security issue though, "Sorry, have to be 67, I don't care what your birth certificate says, you are clearly 20ish..."
  2. 1. That is probably a true statement. 2. You probably are Tom.
  3. No, that makes you a realist IMO. Although, you should be more likely to do so.
  4. You, no. You are clearly not a partisan hack. You get accused of it by both sides, to me that gives you a pass. I used to think you were a conservative hack, then realized you just like picking on dumbass liberals. You lose me on the whole,"What does that mean, exactly, in the context of not trusting any politicians?".
  5. Did you go with the dark green or the light green?
  6. One would hope. However, I doubt some will. Don't get me wrong, I hope they (Boehner and Cantor) will follow through. I have my doubts on that though. I just wanted some (well one really) on record as to how they will react. Yes, it is a gotcha thread, but aren't they all?
  7. You are supposed to post that and then lock the thread. Step 1. Post Step 2. Lock the thread Step 3. Profit There, it is all spelled out for you. Edit - If you get steps 1 and 2 backwards, as I suspect you might, unlock the thread and start over at step 1.
  8. Pretty much, as you are a partisan hack who almost always sides with conservatives right or wrong. This thread was aimed at you to be honest.
  9. Reported for quoting an entire article. As to you asshats that like Vick? You are utter losers. While I am in the forgive and forget mode as long as he is an Eagle, no way I want him on the bills.
  10. Yes or no, not a terribly complicated question.
  11. I actually heard her when she made the mistake. Just one thing, fairly sure Glenn corrected her after which she corrected herself. FWIW, it was just an obvious slip. She really does know the difference between NK and SK. Inquiring minds want to know, can she see them from Alaska?
  12. Give it time...
  13. He didn't address the point of the thread. Instead he blamed Obama, so he probably won't hold them to their words. How about you and your newly awakened self?
  14. Did you condemn the people laughing when Bush choked on a pretzel?
  15. Not online, but Hannity's replacement today just said a few minutes ago something along the lines of, "Well, it was a year ago today that Tiger Woods having a wreck with a split lip was the story and we all see how that turned out. I mean probably not, but who knows?" So it begins...
  16. Hey, DrDankenstein I think you need to edit your post, oh wait never mind. I see you are going to in 30 seconds...
  17. Rush sure did, so it is hard to feel sorry for him. I thought the reference to his addiction was in poor taste though.
  18. He has used that "joke" about 100 times or so. He is getting terribly stale if you ask me.
  19. Got that last bit right at least...
  20. I want to develop my own new career path - "Corporate Insultant" I'm going to allow companies to hire me and pay me major money so that I can tell them how !@#$ing stupid they are and shouldn't be allowed to continue doing business. I'll even give government agencies a discount, what with our deficit and all.
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