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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Last patch required a restart which lead to BSOD. Doesn't affect all machines, but they are acknowledging it. Link
  2. Are you arguing for more or all? It seems more and if these dumps are any indication, there isn't a whole lot of corruption (surprising really). So I guess the question is what do we need to know? I am going to have to say we don't really need to know much about military operations until well after the fact. We do not need to know about diplomat's opinions until way after the fact. Should there be less classified information? The CSM had a nice article on this subject that touched on it. Well written IMO.
  3. zug-zug
  4. Fair enough, so you advocate every public official's e-mails be available to the public?
  5. There have been articles posted on this board alone about Pakistan supporting Al-Queada, about Saudia Arabia being leery of Iran and privately backing an attack. So this wasn't really news for anyone that cared to look, it could however start a war.
  6. So a diplomat's assessment of Merkel should be open to anyone. I assume it is fair game if all your e-mails are available to anyone? You beleive<sic> in freedom of press and freedom of speech.
  7. Fits right in with your general anarchist approach I suppose.
  8. What was his message? What relevant info did he disclose? I find myself in an odd position of defending the government, as most of this stuff is sheer embarrassment material. Maybe Hillary could be fired or forced to resign at best out of this whole dump. Possible consequences include war in Korea and at least increased tension in the Middle East. I did read one article that showed a few (from different papers and such) possible positive spins on the whole thing. Suggestions that with all of the cards on the table diplomacy might be easier in the future, which while possible, seems unlikely to me.
  9. I said nothing really corrupt. Not that there weren't revelations that have the potential to be very important.
  10. Like we needed any of that information. There wasn't even anything really corrupt there except for diplomats spying on diplomats. Who woulda thunk? Amazon kicks Weakyliks to the curb.
  11. I just want her done. While I too would prefer her over Obama, I still pretty much think she is a complete slime. Oh and I am pretty sure diplomats spy on each other all the time, this is just a hopefully convenient excuse. Has nothing to do with the job she has done at State for me, I just want her out of politics.
  12. Link What do you think? I hope she is done for. Edit - Link
  13. Letting that guy know that.
  14. Should we intervene? I mean he seems like he is way far gone. Is there any hope?
  15. So him perhaps kicking off a war in Korea is okay with you?
  16. yawn Compare it to alcohol. Hell, compare it to prescription drugs. Go back to trying to be funny, you might have success there. You suck in any sort of debate.
  17. So you are for causing a war, correct?
  18. Good troll, respond with complete crap as usual. I do admit you have the occasional funny post, but those are rare. And none in this thread.
  19. He really isn't terribly smart, rips his own trolling posts apart.
  20. So you are on his side. Correct?
  21. I would say that Assange has done far more damage than Ayers ever dreamed of already. His potential has the chance to go much higher. What would be the consequences of a war in Korea? What with the casualties and the effect on the global economy and all.
  22. You are so !@#$ed when they come. They will undoubtedly run across you, being the 17th smartest man in the world and all. One sarcastic remark about how you could have taken over the entire world in one day, while they are fighting a protracted war of a few weeks and poof; you are alien cuisine.
  23. No wonder my PC is running slow...
  24. Assange strikes me as a guy who is more a self promoter than a do-gooder. Frankly, if the worst he has on the US is the fact that diplomats were spying on people epic fail. All he has done is publish a bunch of confidential information which shows that we said bad things about international leaders. Good job there Assange, way to foster world peace. It's an ill wind that blows no good... perhaps If the revelations are like these, I will root for his assassination all the harder.
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