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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. I have within 24 hours of him releasing the info on BoA.
  2. Sharpton?
  3. There are some legitimate Nigerian Princes, forward me the e-mail along with your Social and I can find out if he is one of the legit ones.
  4. I thought everyone was Tom.
  5. We missed you too.
  6. In Tunica it is, but you would draw even more attention with big chips in another casino IMO.
  7. Link They were mostly $25,000 chips. No way he can cash any of those in. What an idiot.
  8. Due to this revelation, my money is on the humans. Thumbs for the win.
  9. Link Lucky bastard.
  10. Check out Dilbert. Priceless.
  11. Where did you get that figure? I thought it was supposed to be speced out for 6 a minute or some such. Is that based off the power plant?
  12. Link
  13. Wow, that is impressive. Pity, I do not like coffee.
  14. So you lack ambition; I recommend Star Trek as a good starting point if you ever muster the energy to follow through. DS9 would probably hold up pretty well.
  15. I may have to start agreeing with you more often.
  16. Thread merge in PPP in 3,2,1...
  17. Pro-WikiLeaks cyber army gains strength; thousands join DDoS attacks They added Amazon to the list, but the majority of these attacks have only messed up the company website at best. None of their payment operations (other than Paypal) seem to have been seriously impacted at all.
  18. Should have added packets of McDonalds ketchup to that ...
  19. Excellent, I love that mentality. Since Mastercard and others refused to do business with Wikileaks they must be taught a lesson. Learn to fear the pureness of Wikileaks. Resist and we will bring you to your knees.
  20. I buy they are out to destroy Mastercard, but I would think they were out doing it for a sick joke. I highly doubt it is for some altruistic reason which will lead to this perfect society you dream of.
  21. Wikileaks has some nice allies. With a link to 10,000 credit card numbers. Let's hope they are fake.
  22. Okay, some of these are pretty funny. Love the MasterCard one. Twitter humor
  23. Excuse me, I have to go quit my job.
  24. Italicized - So how do you feel about a Saudi prince using his influence to break the law? Sure they are dumb laws, but he did and they redacted his name. Sure seems to be making a choice to me... Link Bolded - That statement is absurd. Believe it or not, prior to this, we did manage to keep a lot of this stuff secret. Was some of it known? Sure, but there is no way everyone that we would be concerned about knew all of it.
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