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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Does it have to be next to?
  2. Are you going to vary the types of hot dogs? I sense you are doomed to failure if you do.
  3. There is a pattern here, but it appears to be you who is demonstrating it.
  4. Police report on Assange rape case 'leaks' :lol:
  5. Merry Christmas Mrs Beerball. you are a class act as is your husband. Not that I will admit that about him mind you...
  6. You teach kids right? mead107 716 posts in this thread. Do you work with math?
  7. Mrs. Beer ball :blush: Mr. Beer ball :thumbdown:
  8. He has upgraded since then you idiot.
  9. One of my all time fav far sides. Well played.
  10. I have respect for you as a poster, but lay down that paint brush brother, you are getting that **** everywhere.
  11. This will make you happy; I disagree. Sure the guy can decide not to get married, but in my mind he is on the hook for at least half of the money.
  12. Well seeing you said, "Tee many martoonies"
  13. FWIW, I think Letterman's joke about the Palin daughter was tasteless, if not allegations of rape as some claimed. Family, like here, should be off limit in politics.
  14. So you condemned Limbaugh when he referred to Chelsea as a dog, right?
  15. Should have stuck a NSFW tag on that last one.
  16. There has been a change in his posts?
  17. You used the word Holy...
  18. From what I read, the allegation is that BoA sent people through the process, taking money all the time, while knowing they would inevitably foreclose.
  19. Over-brushing 'damages teeth'
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