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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. You just have to take it on faith huh?
  2. I have, almost daily as a matter of fact. He routinely twists and distorts things. IIRC the company that rates his truthfulness is owned by him.
  3. No, I was nit-picking. Nanker implied he was not deserving of the money he had made. His movies have been very successful, and the people who have backed his movies have made money. In a a capitalistic society, can you ask for anything else?
  4. I hear the Last Post Wins, but maybe I am wrong.
  5. I wasn't arguing whether he deserved to be an advocate of reduced pay or who is deserving of said pay. Just that he deserved the money he has made.
  6. Merry Christmas all, I hope you make all around you happy as you get all that you want!
  7. I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I hope that you appreciate whatever you will receive and will do your best to make everyone's Christmas around you a bit brighter. I posted this now as, I am off the next two weeks. Woot!
  8. As his movies have been pretty profitable, yes. Now I despise when ignorant Hollywood movie types chime in, but this is a guy who made the money. One other point, people love to quote Bob Hope (love him) and the democrats are zombies bit. So I assume that would be out of bounds?
  9. .. "You are not doing it right." in stereo.
  10. Brontesaurus :lol:
  11. There there. Joker goes to Arkham and Batman has more than one nemesis.
  12. Pretty much, loved your douche fetish comment btw.
  13. Pssst, the tread title is, "I'll be eating nothing but lentils in 2011"
  14. Google Assange Dead Pool
  15. Link Edit - Can I change my prediction from 24 hours after leaking the BoA stuff? A little light reading on the Russian mafia. Link I throw in the latter stat because I find it remarkable that they are a full 19% behind us...
  16. My friend who is a big *Pats fan, replied back when I sent him the link...
  17. Free Conner! No Conner no peace! Well, in a couple of weeks anyway.
  18. I have faith in Chef, he would.
  19. Lost in all of this is the humor of "Santa AD".
  20. Using fail excessively = fail.
  21. That is so predictable...
  22. Link Umm what? Can someone explain this to me? Two things: 1) Not sure how I feel about the bonuses. I can almost see the point about the incentive based bit encouraging risk taking. At the same time, if you suck at the job, you shouldn't get a ton of money. This leads me to my second point. 2) Why are they going to be upset? Same money and possibly less pressure. Not sure on the pressure bit. Thoughts from our financial gurus?
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