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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Yeah, I had major issues with the way the questions were posed at first. They are incendiary at the least, but that was the top two polls on a google search. Despite the way the questions are phrased, seems we are getting similar results from the two polls. Seems to have nailed me to a T.
  2. There we go, someone else posted a score.
  3. Score? I want to see Wacka, pBills, Connor, etc
  4. Infradark was it?
  5. It is a package deal brother.
  6. What points? Your disbelief in some sort of God? Your palpable need to post about it? We got it. You haven't brought up a new point in ages.
  7. So? You once lived in Nantucket.
  8. In this one I got: Economic Left/Right: 1.25 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.85 So Centrist, but leaning to the right and Libertarian a bit. So I took this one and got: You are a centrist moderate social libertarian. Right: 0.66, Libertarian: 1.91 Pretty damn close results on the graphs. I remember a similar thread where I got similar results, but was slightly to the left. I blame you worthless mother !@#$ers. Try it, where do you stand?
  9. That has to be fake, but :lol:
  10. And yet you do not feel the need to disparage others' beliefs, well at least not about something that is inherently unprovable. Perhaps Gene could learn from that.
  11. Please, you are a proselytizing atheist. You simply replaced Catholicism with your new religion of "science and rational thought". What you despise in organized religion, you ape in your new faith. 'Tis really that simple. Happy Holidays if you have something you care to celebrate.
  12. I didn't make any argument, so there goes your 3rd point. As to your first and second, that is classic religion. You just choose not to use the term faith.
  13. This, try to keep up Gene.
  14. So we could sub in any CEO in his place and they would have been able to make as much money as him? So you are flat out saying he is overpaid? I was not knocking CEO pay. For the record, I do think that in some instances, some are overpaid. Seems silly to be making say 40 million, when under your guidance the company lost a couple of billion. But that seems to be the rarity, so it does not really bug me. Their actually income is usually a tiny percentage of the companies revenue, so if that is the way they want to run it, fine by me.
  15. True, well the universal healthcare bill will cover it most likely...
  16. Even she isn't that stupid.
  17. Still, when you think on it, a very impressive future for the technique. If we can get to the point where we can regenerate tissue and organs in the next forty years that will extend the lifetime of a ton of people. That should be a good thing...
  18. And if you do not know how to use the internet, wonderful way to pick up a virus. Just ask my ex-wife. Well it was that, or her predilection for porn...
  19. Wake up! They have surveillance cameras you do not know about.
  20. From what I heard, you are a few lentils shy of a full basket.
  21. You have been so patient with Pbills. I am super impressed, as I would have called him a !@#$ing idiot and been done with it.
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