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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. You are the guy who found it electrifying to push UConn over the fence. It took hours, but hey... bragging rights.
  2. The question is, who is not overqualified?
  3. UConn lost so many debates he is picking on 10th graders to restore his self image.
  4. That doesn't fit into LA's overall scheme so hush. You are clearly lying. As is this website.
  5. A possible reason, but: And I recall writing in cement and then someone pasting over it the next day in about a minute. Nah, as you get paid in Zimbabwe dollars...
  6. Umm, why are they paying someone to watch cement dry? Is that standard procedure? What a waste of money as they should simply put up a few warning signs and cordon it off. If someone manages to hurt/kill themselves through that, well, perhaps that is for the best.
  7. Actually, all the Founding Fathers worshiped Satan. Link
  8. Hilarious, and 15 whole minutes worth. Funny bit, Worf was right in a lot of those cases.
  9. The Pedanticaassasaurus.
  10. Not my thread, but thanks guys.
  11. Happy Birthday. It so happens that today is mine as well, although I am substantially older. Oh, and if you are looking for good reading about comic book heroes check out a series of books called Wild Cards. Hope you enjoy the dinner and movie.
  12. If you think the Sears catalog leads to kiddie porn, then it is sorta pointless debating ANYTHING with you.
  13. That is completely correct (in the idea if not the actual numbers).
  14. I am ignoring the fact it came from someone with a history...
  15. That makes way too much sense, so of course no one will go for it...
  16. Ah, then I agree. That was my first hint in the thread.
  17. It really does sort of fit. I mean he is a war historian with an emphasis on naval warfare...
  18. I haven't argued either yet. Sorta obvious what I am going to argue, but are you arguing against the deterrence of 1 ship capable of taking out a country or whether redundancy is needed?
  19. And the fact those subs operate from 7,000 miles away?
  20. I will not argue with that. How anyone could take themselves seriously as a lunch box inspector is beyond me. How does that work on a 1st date? "So, what do you do for a living?" "I inspect pre-schoolers lunch boxes." <crickets> "I also get to dust the chalk boards... "
  21. Education for the parents is where government needs to focus its efforts IMO. I do not mean huge advertising campaigns, as the schools should direct them to websites that have appropriate education. Provide a free class (via the web) on what is appropriate in a child's diet and will help with their health, but also give tips on how to deal with fussy eaters (there are gov websites like that, but they have not been promoted properly IMO).
  22. Agreed on the cuts. The point is that 24 warheads would wreck a continent if not the world. Not everyone would die, but 24 (I used 30 for a round number earlier, we can lower it to single warheads on Ohio class subs and be happy) nuclear missiles wrecks any country for all purposes. Each sub can kill any rival nation state. These are hidden ships, that the enemy really cannot find and who happen to have a 7k mile kill radius.
  23. The Trident-II has a range of like 7 thousand miles. Each missile can carry multiple warheads that exceed Hiroshima by at least a factor of 10. What Tom is saying, imo, is we have no idea what the strategic requirements are as we do not have access to that information. So some sub may be loaded with max missiles that are essentially nation busters. We may have 4 of those who move around. Others may be loaded with a different payload. Who knows? My point is, what happens to a nation when you dump say 30 nukes on them?
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