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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. So you are saying that when people made fun of Palin for her verbal gaffe it was justified?
  2. Ewww and who gave Jack harps?
  3. I like his picture. Has nothing to do with the story in all likelihood, but seems he just said WTF and is stunned by the lawsuit.
  4. I have a 24" monitor and had to magnify it to the max to get a hint of that.
  5. Gave up on the time travel bit after they got lost did they? Partial control... The They seem fairly incompetent. So they are like the government on steroids, lots of power, poorly applied.
  6. She was hot. When she wasn't talking that is.
  7. Sorry man, not sure I could eat that even drunk and stoned. I hate fritos.
  8. Had you been drinking?
  9. Curses, foiled again! Now everyone will show their "appreciation" for Tom in this fashion. Who would have thought?
  10. By mod rule the thread is now only about those who wish to show how they appreciate Tom. Since I was the first to catch onto this, I wish to say I appreciate Tom since no one will post here again... I Win®
  11. Link Interesting in that Mubarak is beginning to fold. Him out of power is a good thing IMO, but what concerns me is who will replace him if he is forced out.
  12. Next up: Tom admits he was wrong as a final sign of the Apocalypse brought on by the They Time Travel. Oh and voted.
  13. You must be ready to stop Them, They said that they were on the way to your time.
  14. How are they going to close it? Who would do this closing? If they do succeed in closing it, how is one tank of fuel going to help much?
  15. We bail you out once, we own you for life. Nice precedent there NY.
  16. There are animal cruelty laws to deal with that.
  17. Hah, Who doesn't know that a team was sent back in time to eliminate They. Copycat.
  18. Think of the bird man. It takes a village to raise a bird.
  19. So does this mean you stare at your own?
  20. I could have posted it here, but saw the headline, posted it and then saw the post I responded to. My apologies for dishonoring this illustrious thread.
  21. See this thread. We are all doomed.
  22. It is like anything else, some are good, some are mediocre and some suck. Their base recipe is okay, better than say Pizza Hut or some such and depending on the franchise, might rise to slightly above mediocre.
  23. So oral sex needs to be taxed as it is a risky behavior, or just plain outlawed? Link
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