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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. You mean when Rush helped get Obama elected over Hillary? Oh, the irony...
  2. Oh, he is a douche without a doubt. I was messing with the OP. I researched the issue and it seems you sign away your rights when you sign into the hospital. When kicking this story around at the office, someone mentioned that a mutual friend of ours hired a midwife for precisely that reason.
  3. Yeah, at the rate I am going I crank out an episode every 10 years...
  4. Well, I have only done it twice. Once where the server, among a bunch of other stuff, rested the bottom of drinks stacked two high in the beverage of the bottom glass. And another where after waiting five minutes to be greeted, the first comment from the server was, "Well , I guess I have to wait on you." The service went downhill from there.
  5. Wow, that is pretty rude. Are you off your meds?
  6. So that is all you have? Well, guess who comes off as the B word? My point was and is, conservatives would be up in arms if this had happened to one of theirs. You being a partisan hack would have fully supported the rights of the father. Frankly, if that was the case, I would have supported you...
  7. That is awesome. You are such a moron you admit to trying to circumvent the language filter when you do not have to do so.
  8. Why? B word? Feel free to remove a question mark...
  9. The OP always makes it about politics. You are a partisan hack no matter what thread you post in, so I assume anything you say is biased. It is what it is... Edit - Oh and while you like to pick on people for typos, you struggle with the editor mightily.
  10. So essentially a punk ass B word tried to take a shot at me and failed. Awesome writing though... Edited
  11. Orange Fanta? Well, okay... if you insist.
  12. So me disagreeing with someone is a bender. Awesome...
  13. Fair enough, the question was asked because you come across as a partisan hack. While you are known as a partisan hack.
  14. And if Santorum did this, you would feel the same?
  15. I am messing with the OP, kindly step off... or agree with his premise that the nurses were correct in trying to physically take the child from a Democrat.
  16. It shouldn't be an issue. He is the father and is entitled to take the child. End of story, or should be.
  17. He should have obeyed the nurses. That is the conservative way after all. Obey anyone that tells you what to do, and everything will be fine.
  18. I pay them, so they have to listen to me. I critique them as I sign the check and explain where they went wrong.
  19. One thing my boss said that made me think, "If I got a raise every time my job duties change, I would be a rich man." He actually is pretty well off, but that may have something to do with his (and now mine) attitude.
  20. Magox rocks! I have left a grand total of 4 15% tips and it was for hideous service. I am a far harsher critic than most I should note as I know what should be done and assign blame to the appropriate person. When I go out for work related lunches or dinners, people with me often comment on how critical I am of bad servers. If they are visibly slacking, they get 16% and I explain it could have been as high as 40%.
  21. I am not really debating the story. I left it alone when I first read it, as it strikes me as fake. Someone would have to be a real asshat to do that. I was simply explaining how it works if someone DID do that.
  22. Because the restaurant pays them next to nothing, expecting you to make up the difference. Restaurants pay back of the house employees a reasonable (not great) wage. Depending on the position, their wages may be supplemented by the servers tips (money taken out of the server's wages). This is generally simply based on his or her sales. IIRC they are now basing any taxes on an assumed 8% of sales. So the cutesy 1% tip, if true, probably cost that waitress money. She got the pleasure of waiting on someone and paying to do so. All for the royal sum of $2.75 an hour (minus taxes and tip share). And if you think that is all a waiter/waitress does, then you're an idiot.
  23. My bad, your outlier is clearly an indicator of where the country is going.
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