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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Brilliant, so you post about hatred, intolerance, and painting with a broad brush and manage to do the same exact thing twice in two sentences.
  2. Soros and the two Koch brothers are 3 of the top 36. You may not remember, but I was talking about an estate tax to help prevent a rich daddy or mommy from creating someone like ohh the Koch brothers. Well, at least theoretically we can vote them all out. Not saying you are wrong, but it is probably even more difficult to take down a billionaire, unless there is a massive boycott.
  3. No one is going to do anything evil with money. /Chef
  4. You read and digested that whole article in 14 minutes?
  5. Do you think it is cool Soros does much the same (although perhaps to a lesser scale, not sure)?
  6. On the upside, that means a lot of DEA agents will be employed.
  7. Doesn't it sorta work that way in general?
  8. Yep, I had just grabbed the link. I should also mention that McDonalds was at fault to a degree as they had been warned repeatedly that their coffee was too hot. IIRC some bean counter counted up how much it would cost to replace all the coffee machines vs potential lawsuits. They were aware of the issue and decided to do nothing as it would be cheaper.
  9. Don't these guy think this through? This won't end well...
  10. So, what will it take to qualify as an invasion? I would think a no fly zone would do the trick.
  11. He could still get bragging rights on ROI though. Cool that you let him in, but why not extend the offer to others (not me for sure).
  12. Declare victory and move on.
  13. I don't have to prove it, you already have. Edit - Skippy? I am still laughing at him calling you a liberal.
  14. Ask Peace to let you in. you would start behind a bit, but it would make it more interesting. I was hoping it would lead to discussions about strategies after it was over.
  15. I almost commented on you calling KD a racist this morning, but with your erratic writing style, I figured you might have meant him (being conservative) and everyone else arguing with you was a liberal. No, turns out you aren't even familiar with the posters on PPP. Oh and actually, I would normally agree with the bolded, except in this case. You may not mean to, but your posting history really smacks of racism.
  16. Led by a Crook, it figures...
  17. Idiots, vampires rise in 3 days, not zombies.
  18. Bwhahahahaha
  19. Question if I may, what prevents someone from doing that in reality. Please excuse my ignorance.
  20. What would you do if they set the board to filter out idiot?
  21. Rinkmini thinks otherwise!
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