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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Wow, you are an investigative reporter on par with your spelling skils<sic>.
  2. It is different because of discretionary income. One hopes you would know that.
  3. Neither of those are mutually exclusive.
  4. That would be a very nice political win for the Republicans. I have money on a rant and a long hiatus.
  5. Bolded - Nah, you would have to be competent to achieve that status. While a good start with that post about how great you are, the rest of your posts fall in the minor league douchiness category. Doesn't mean you cannot eventually take the title, you just have to up your game. Though seeing as how you completely missed Steve's obvious sarcasm, I have my doubts.
  6. It wasn't about being right, it was about pissing Chef off.
  7. Says the guy wanting to match income levels as proof of his superiority.
  8. Not when he projects a demeanor of being able to take it and dish it out. He dishes it out fine to tons of people, but rarely can take it. It started off as an honest attempt at conversation in PPP. After him calling me out, misportraying what I was saying 4 times, I fought back. Much as I did with you, I didn't start off insulting you. Since you keep lumping me in the crowd of people saying pot is harmless and are essentially lying, !@#$ you.
  9. Waah, I was so mean to you. Cry some more...
  10. He wasn't, you however were displaying your own issues. You !@#$ with people Chef, you do not even care about the discussion, but you take a contrary position for the hell of it. Deny it. He was merely one example.
  11. And you know my lifestyle how? A federal officer.
  12. Loser isn't a name? Anyway, aren't you a fed type? Oh, only you are allowed to play a role? How cute.
  13. Actually, I think more of you as you are a self admitted troll. You play a persona on this board, whereas bbb is just an idiot.
  14. I thought it was really uncool as he got really upset at a bad time in his life. I am sure you got chuckles out of it though. That speaks volumes about you as he said it, but you carried on. This may be a role you are playing, but the role hurts people. Edit - merely one example
  15. Awww, now you have sunk to my level. Come down to PPP so I can tell you what I really think of you.
  16. God you are an idiot, you kept !@#$ing with Bufftex.
  17. kk Charlie, you are winning in grand style...
  18. I call people names when I think it will get an effect. Thanks for playing B word. I should note I only do it to people who play games with stories and such. Guys who go out of their way to mess with people for no reason (Bufftex) about basketball might get cussed out if I think they are stupid enough to respond to that.
  19. That is the eight percent we know of. Tis useless, you probably think they are all fine unless it is Soros. Then he is bad, because he is a liberal. As to the **** I messed with you on other than this thread, well congrats, turn about is fair play.
  20. 8% is not a relevant number, good to know. You said the vast majority were not evil, yet a casual google search turns up 8% by your own admission.
  21. Sorry if you did not understand it was concerning the following generation when I said it repeatedly. "Would you like fries with that?"
  22. So Chef tried to have an honest tax conversation with me when after 5 times he was still misportraying what I was saying?
  23. God, rhetoric escapes you when you employ it every day. Astounding.
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