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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. An 11 year old girl? Hang them all from a short gallow, including the minors.
  2. Actually, I thought it was funny when I first read it and forwarded it to a conservative friend.
  3. Just plug it! Forget what he thinks!
  4. So we will take this as a no, you aren't going to condemn them for their fiscal irresponsibility. Newly awakened
  5. Freakshow sells, he will land a gig, for a while anyway...
  6. I have been vandalized. Mods I demand you... oh wait.
  7. The argument that the government will screw it up with whatever money they get is a valid one. Took you long enough to get there.
  8. Both have been replaced. :-(
  9. I wasn't worked up, that was the point of what you replied to, but you missed it.
  10. At the time I started giving you crap, you were not. It is a game, nothing personal. So frigging relax. I suspect there is a reason you freak out when you smoke weed, but stop trying to blame the weed IMO.
  11. Bolded - Nothing really. I disagreed with your unwillingness to address other's points, so gave you crap. It really is that simple tiny.
  12. My car is in the shop as they cannot figure out why it keeps overheating. I am about to buy a new one, but I want this fixed as I plan to give it to my son. Since I have not decided on what I am going to purchase I borrowed my step dad's truck (not the actual truck, but close enough). I had to fill it up and it was over a hundred dollars. Maybe I should have rented a car...
  13. How about a paycheck stub? Do you know how to do that? Hell, even Connor could manage that much.
  14. So, it is too hard to find your transcripts and well nigh impossible to figure out how to upload things? Are you sure you aren't a putz?
  15. You have a lesser percentage that is discretionary, true. However, since most wealthy types will be able to put a roof over their heads and food in their bellies for a far smaller percentage of their incomes than say even upper middle class people, they will still have a far higher percentage to invest. Note, I am not asking for 90%; I am justifying the current system.
  16. Made it up, because you're a putz and never provided one for your crusade.
  17. And for the other 99.9 % of us?
  18. Not sure how this matters as Jim is almost illiterate.
  19. I am so proud of you, you spelled everything correctly for once.
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