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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. And then you drive...
  2. That is your. You typo a lot, 3 martini lunches?
  3. LOL I already did what I wanted, you are far too easy.
  4. And that is why I have no issues with !@#$ing with you. You dish it out all the time, but you have issues with taking it... I do actually have respect for you as you can be funny; but to me, you make yourself a target with your posting style.
  5. So basically you and your wife. Excellent.
  6. I was hoping you would develop a sense of compassion. A fruitless hope I know, but hey, one can dream.
  7. Actually, Chef cries like a little girl when someone dishes it out to him. He makes Tim Graham appear thick skinned. He is trolling you, do not let him.
  8. Some things are too obvious to be mentioned...
  9. We get along fine... :unsure:
  10. You were gone?
  11. I posted the same thing before I read this. See, we agree on something.
  12. Someone should round them up for our protection... I suspect this is actually one poster who does this. ie George and this guy are are the same poster. There cannot be this many crazy people...
  13. I would never say gibberish. When you write, you are usually very articulate and have a very nice turn of phrase on occasion.
  14. Because I changed it. Frankly, you need to learn to use the edit feature more often...
  15. If they are going with fetish garb, could have been done far better.
  16. Who sold her that bill of goods? So Madoff should be let off because everyone should know better?
  17. We are men dear and thus easily distracted.
  18. How long until the arrests do you think?
  19. "I would gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today."
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