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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. This is false advertising!
  2. I think the army base was like a kilometer away, but otherwise agreed.
  3. Hey hey goodbye!
  4. You and I completely agree. The Billa draft was good, and the grizzlies won. Call it a day, the world is ending.
  5. They are rooting for their team (Republicans) though...
  6. Another partisan hack heard from. Just because CNN does it, it makes it okay for others? !@#$ing moron, I never had any respect for you unlike KD.
  7. This is a huge deal. It is awesome that asshat is dead, for anyone to make this about politics and be a partisan hack is beyond lame. I mean it is really !@#$ing pathetic. KD I had respect for you before this, now I think you are a !@#$ing idiot. Always thought Taro was an idiot...
  8. You are an partisan ass, tis that simple. As are you.
  9. Not for much longer..
  10. I say the Bills pick this guy up as a FA, have him return kicks or something...
  11. BTW is that 9,999 posts or 9,999 replies?
  12. That hat looks pretty bad at first glance.
  13. It is spreading, the horror!
  14. There are some that you could take time traveling to witness his birth, trace his life to present times through the time stream and they wouldn't be convinced. Not that you can, China banned time travel..
  15. Don't send it to the Midsouth, we are getting drenched.
  16. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5? That's amazing! I've got the same combination on my luggage! Link
  17. That is being !@#$ing kind. If it was a one off I can see that label being applied. Instead it is something he does all the time. To me that makes him a one note poster who is clearly bigoted against well over half the country. What percentage is all Christians and all Southerners? I should note that Gene reserves his bile for mainly Christians. Muslims, Hindus etc generally get a pass.
  18. Internet persona? WTF? Chef? In all seriousness, I am pretty damn sure this is your actual personality. If for some reason you were trolling, you would have given up this topic years ago. Instead you have an almost palpable need to degrade religion and the people who adhere to it. I am far from religious, yet I find you to be a contemptible human being for this attitude. Everyone has flaws, only you seem to revel in yours. Edit - How did that redneck inspired by Bachman (I think) killing that census worker theory work out for you genius?
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