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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Thanks for handling that one for me. Those who are still part of the two party system are part of the problem, not part of the solution. Democrat, Republican, whatever, both parties suck as neither is that different from one another.
  2. I will log in a protest vote, someone that is independent.
  3. Really? Like we needed another reason to ignore you. Reported and I hope you get banned.
  4. Most of his stuff is about blacks. I guess you missed it.
  5. Why does Dave post so many racially oriented posts?
  6. Might not want to mock what you just lost to, makes you seem stupid.
  7. Actually, i imagine they just blend in with the other voices...
  8. Link Ahh, so he is clearly lacking in a "bad idea" voice.
  9. Do these guys seem like the sharpest knives in the drawer?
  10. People your age think that there are small demons inside you that make you sick. So not a big revelation...
  11. Favorite comments so far: He sent junk mail. What is up with Congress and their Junk?
  12. Freaking out the drive-thru people. Oh and recording it, uploading it to youtube in a LAMP post so he can start some sort of trend. This sorta thing happens all the time and sometimes it goes viral.
  13. Link Looks cool as hell and seems will be a great place to work, if somewhat odd.
  14. Have you talked to Nervous Guy before?
  15. Damn, that was harsh. Go Dallas! Full disclosure, rooting against Miami and for Crayonz's prediction.
  16. For the record he is an ass, he hurt his wife and family. He failed them in epic fashion, yet that was a flirtation that took it's course over a period of time. He !@#$ed up and should resign as should anyone who behaved in a similar fashion. I would have to see all the other stuff he did, but if the allegations are true that he had several similar relationships going, he is truly contemptible. One I can see, he is scum there, then with multiple relationships going on he is just scum worthy of scorn.
  17. Like they could catch him.
  18. Well, the good news is it takes less time for them to read your posts as most of the good posters simply skim past what you wrote. Funny, I see why we clash. You can write twelve paragraphs to say what could be summed up as, "America doesn't care, because some of you act like terrorists. Fix the perception of your people and you are all good." But no, it is all about Ocin. Let me guess, you can turn a ten minute meeting into an hour because you love to hear the sound of your own voice and have to make sure that everyone understands how much you bring to the project.
  19. IIRC the benefits for the child can be transfered to another adult. So theoretically at least (wonder if mom is going to eat the food? duh) the child will not suffer. Edit - Oh and I did not actually think they foreclosed on the bank. I found the resourcefulness of the couple admirable and the banks actions deplorable. All in all, a highly amusing story about a couple who said !@#$ you to a bank that is too big to care.
  20. That was just wrong. You take that back, you... you... kind hearted, compassionate individual you.
  21. I like how the Chis Lee story was a 12 post thread on OTW. This thread is on 87 (before my post).
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