I got the original quote from here. It compares arguments against gay marriage to interracial marriage. I thought I would get cute and change the interracial bit to gay. When you qualified your answer based on who said it I googled the quote looking for the original source. It seems I had inadvertently stolen the idea of a Chicago Tribune writer.
So I guess props for the idea belong to Eric Zorn who seems to have not used the name of the people who made the initial statements about interracial couples. Apparently some Georgia State Representative.
Nicely done.
Who here would agree with this?
Oh and OCin, that was one of the most pathetic arguments I have seen yet. Just admit that for whatever reason you do not like the idea of gay marriage. What would the rights of x gay couple in y situation be? Why the same rights that heterosexual couples have.
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This one woman I worked with came from a fairly big family with five kids. She always said she was going to have six kids. She had it all planned out with names for all of them (6 boy names and 6 girl names). She gets married, pregnant, had the one child. After that she wanted her tubes tied...
Right, but it goes to show she is not a total brain dead idiot. She would likely be a horrible President, but she would at least probably try to cut the budget. I think she is probably average to slightly above average IQ and possesses a certain street smarts. She has zero chance of the nomination. Michele Bachmann has a better chance.
I am guessing you missed my reply to you earlier. I included a link to the definition.
I assume it is something similar to the Flesch–Kincaid readability score. So in other words, what she writes grades out at an 8.5 on a scale of how easy it is to read. At least that was the way that stuff was explained to me, could be wrong.
Which is actually pretty impressive. I am pleased when I write a memo or do technical writing and I hit in the 7-9th grade reading level (as rated by Word). It is not as easy as it would seem. Guess that Communications degree was worth it for Palin.