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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. What is odd about it is that there are tons of conservative types who are okay with the idea. That actually shocks me.
  2. Evidently it means you will take what is said on a contemptible website like that at face value.
  3. Stop, you will chase off Connor again. You big meanie you!
  4. Look, if a poster is constantly posting about racial issues with their threads I tend to look askance at that. If they are linking to sites that are absolute crap, then after a while I tend to call them on that. Still, I think I have done that a total of 4 times and 1 was in error when I mistook Jim from Alaska for another poster. I apologized and withdrew my comment (on PPP ) , but due to our conflict and a few PMs he and I will never get along it seems. Still say I am batting .750.
  5. Yay Connor is back. Oh and I think Tom has well over 50k posts when you count his alts.
  6. You do realize the site is run by David Horowitz right? Check out this rant by him. Love the bit where he seems to advocate stringing up all Muslims. Link. Good god, look at the articles on the site. Michelle Malking posts articles there and she make Sean Hannity seem like a valid news journalist. They defend Glenn Beck. Unreal, I knew you were arch conservative, but simply wow. GG and Tom posted the other things I could bring up, my advice would be to look at the source of the "news" that this site produces. Anyone that considers that a valid site needs their head checked.
  7. Really? Find where I pick on someone for spelling or grammar who didn't start it first. Glad to know that two years later you are still butthurt though. Whiny B word.
  8. Try to keep up, he pulled the typo/misspelling card. I used it against him after wards.
  9. I am not a liberal, you take that back.
  10. Fair enough, dispute anything I have said though.
  11. Nice, I would meet you. It is because of your posts, not the hot Doctor of course...
  12. You edited out your typo, too funny.
  13. You are a hack, you admit it on a regular basis. I should note that you never used to until I called you out on it. You may be joking, but at least you are coming across as more honest now. Statements by Vitter and others since you are too lazy to research your team: Dude hired prostitutes, and the outrage by the GOP is nonexistent. In fact, they refuse to even make an issue of it, while someone who is sexting is beyond the pale. The difference between you and I is that I am no longer blindly supporting a party. You will remain a hack. Just a blind partisan B word who is nothing other than a cheerleader for his team. I moved on from that stage over a decade ago. You are simply stuck in that mode. It really is that simple.
  14. I am pretty sure he looked everywhere.
  15. So no answer to how he gets a pass and Weiner doesn't. Thanks for showing what a hack you are. At least you could be articulate like LA. Pity that.
  16. Old news is less than 4 years ago? Look who is talking about not making sense, you come across as a less articulate LA. Total hack who makes no sense. At least LA is coherent.
  17. You took exception to me calling him a racist and suddenly what he posts is irrelevant. Nice. You are new to this I take it. You are the one who decided to be a spelling Nazi several times, yet when called on your own issues it is not an important matter. Sticking with known racial posters is so going to enhance your rep on this board. Go for it.
  18. He posts on racial issues more than anything else. All the posts that are about race cast blacks in a bad light. What would you call a single note poster that does that? At no point do I claim to have seen the light as you say, I have said I have become fiscally conservative due to our debt. Try to keep up. Oh and I bet you cant.
  19. What? Do your own research you hack. Here is a start. Rah rah sis boom bah and all that I guess. Way to be a hack though, you are remarkably consistent there. Go Republicans!
  20. I can tell by your posts you are capable of being more than a partisan hack. As to the latter, I have never deluded myself. I simply think it sucks you are the type who is Rah rah sis boom bah for anything conservative Republican and down on anything liberal Democrat. Thanks for turning it all into a big football game.
  21. Your posting history makes you a racist. It really is that simple.
  22. Glad Weiner went in a way. I expect our Representatives to avoid our foibles. I love how he is condemned though by the right and yet Vitter gets a pass. One guy is flirting online, the other is ordering up whores while voting on stuff. You partisan hacks on the right are even funnier than the ones on the left.
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