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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. They completely screwed that game up. If you were not totally buffed a single mob could take you out in the Heroics easily. Not very heroic IMO. With that said, my girlfriend is so upset. She was such a fan of the game. There is socialization there that many games do not have. It was my first MMO, so I feel a bit sad, even if they !@#$ed it up.
  2. God, you are not too bright. One of yours started a thread about it. You are saying that there would be a thread by a hack by Molson. And there is. And your moronic ass chimed in.
  3. So tell us how you really feel.
  4. Crack the whip, pretend you actually did something. Too funny considering how Peace gave you an out.
  5. Defense attorney? Don't you mean prosecutor? Nice that you got she has a history of this out of the article when it clearly states otherwise. You should probably stick to threads about teachers molesting young boys.
  6. If the thread is by Dave, it is about race.
  7. Well then, I would argue it on that merit without the use of the term !@#$. I also wouldn't attack the kids of the mayor. That is just me though. Are you comfortable with those tactics?
  8. If the low income housing was needed, yes. Now answer my question, are you Wisconsinbillsfan?
  9. If it is simply a smokescreen why did you post that article? Also why did so many feel the need to interject race in it? Finally, aren't you WBF?
  10. From his own article: Look who you are allying yourself with. Or you may roll like that, who knows? Edit - On a side note, interesting this is a Wisconsin newspaper.
  11. What Tom neglects to mention is this was last Tuesday...
  12. So did any of you discuss how the officer lied in his report? How about some proof that she is a professional protester? Link to other videos she made or some such? If she is a pro then she made a career out of it right? Even if she was a professional, I have issues with cops arresting someone who is their own property merely videotaping them. Congrats on making your profession look even worse by refusing to address the actual issues. On another note, I miss Chef.
  13. I already explained my point, same as Peace's really. You have ignored the point continuously, so I feel free to just mock your bigoted self.
  14. Declare victory and move on. That usually works. Still no answer about why gays would have the same rights as heterosexuals huh? Thought not, you have nothing on this issue other than your bigotry. Edit - Narcissistic personality disorder A person with narcissistic personality disorder may: React to criticism with rage, shame, or humiliation Take advantage of other people to achieve his or her own goals Have excessive feelings of self-importance Exaggerate achievements and talents Be preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence, or ideal love Have unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment Need constant attention and admiration Disregard the feelings of others, and have little ability to feel empathy Have obsessive self-interest Pursue mainly selfish goals The highlighted would sure seem to fit what I said. Now you can bicker about whether I am qualified to say that. Frankly, I am not. But damn, if the shoe fits...
  15. I will put it to a vote, who thinks I have been following OCin?
  16. Well, since you won't actually address the point, might as well make fun of your narcissistic ass. I love how I get under your skin with just a few words here and there. You are genuinely bad at this sort of thing and yet you think you are some sort of Alexander/Jefferson/genius of the day. You have a palpable need to be wanted for whatever reason. I hope you find validation somewhere, but it will never be here for obvious reasons.
  17. One hopes there is a character limit or he will bust the board thanks to you.
  18. I would say the percentage of bad cops is fairly low. However, there are bad groups and with this, it is starting to look bad.
  19. Did you have a mask and a whip too?
  20. That is an awful amount of smilies...
  21. You have to love the Doves on the Conservative side. They should get a catchy phrase like, "No blood for oil". Is that one taken?
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