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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Right up there with straight Pine-Sol.
  2. Ender's Game I won't spoil the book if someone wants to read it, but it is applicable here considering where the thread has gone. Anyone read this fantastic book by Orson Scott Card?
  3. No, it was the 3 posts in a row saying they liked the idea of all of them dying. I specifically addressed only the innocent in my post. Nice, well played.
  4. This does seem to be the simple explanation.
  5. Yes or no, do you support her and her stands? Edit - It is ridiculous to paint either Peace or myself as an Obama supporter.
  6. At least you made a distinction. One could quibble about some, which the others refused to do... Better a Hundred men go free that are guilty... Why are conservatives so supporting of the founding fathers until it flies in the face of what they want?
  7. I hope they all die of starvation. /Wacka The link is American Thinker and the incident occurred in San Francisco. Some estimate wrongful convictions really low, less than 1/10th of 1 percent, while others say up to 5%. Let's use the most conservative numbers, of .027% (ridiculous number, no one in any field is right that often) that still means you guys rooted for the death of 32 innocent people (estimate of 120,000 prisoners). Well done.
  8. How is that gays can't get married or the world will end logic working for you? No wonder you hate me, I keep tying you in knots with a what, 1 to 40, word count ratio? I shouldn't brag or exaggerate though, your posts may indeed have a far higher word count. Edit - I love how I have gotten under your skin. Oh and could you use the term "Fail" one more time? I think you are lagging behind and you have fallen below the requisite average of one per post.
  9. Keep losing and coming back with the same tired ****... that sounds familiar.
  10. Seriously, that is your argument? You do not see the contradiction?
  11. Out eviling Tom is not something most shoot for...
  12. Sorry, I was just joking.
  13. Doomed, I tell you, doomed.
  14. You really shouldn't jump to conclusions so easily. Maybe it is a her.
  15. One can only assume that is to counter any illudium Q-36 explosive space modulators...
  16. Do you really believe that?
  17. The founding fathers worked tirelessly to end slavery.
  18. Actually, the disrespect for Presidents seems to go back at least as far as Reagan. If you want to get technical about it, they said some pretty disparaging stuff about George Washington.
  19. I think we paid like 200k for the software that gives us the tax rates for every city/county/state. Something like 10k a year for updates. It would probably be a bit more expensive for Amazon as they would fall into more categories. Why does everyone keep ignoring these are taxes already owed?
  20. I listen to Rush on a regular basis. I tend to drive around the time he is on and it is that or Jim Rome or music. While I find him contemptible, at least he is talking about relevant stuff. I do not follow any boards that tend to parrot the likes of Rush.
  21. I find the idea of captain Hindsight as a life guard quite amusing, "Well in retrospect, I should have noticed that woman at the bottom of the pool was staying down for an awfully long time." No offense meant to your actual skills as a lifeguard.
  22. So when are you going to nail the wife?
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