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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. You are a conservative and anti-tax.
  2. Having worked in the restaurant business for 15 years (sorta) I completely agree. My ex-wife and I never took our son out to a restaurant till say 5. I thought we had taught him to be restrained enough by then. My best man from my wedding showed up and teased him till he acted out. I was furious at my friend, not my son. He meant well, but was a humiliating experience for both my ex-wife and I. Oh and do not take your kid to the movies either until they can control themselves at least marginally.
  3. What have you been up to in your travels? Any crazy Spanish women? I love their exotic looks. Day off here. I actually have time to post.
  4. I think that is just a kid thing really. Actually, I found that the ones with the most restrictive upbringing went the most crazy. On the other hand, the ones that did not burn out, ended up doing fine. Going back to their roots as it were, if you follow me.
  5. This is starting to get really big. Fair, Balanced, and Breaking the Law? Seems this may be a corporate mentality.
  6. An equal opportunity slaver, fair enough.
  7. Damn, after listening to everyone talk (radio, work, here) I wish I had watched it. I don't even like the sport, but sounds very dramatic. Glad you fans had a good time with it.
  8. No, but been to ones with a bunch of middle income family type kids. Is it worse than parties where everyone is coked/tripping/x-ing and certain types of girls get passed around like candy?
  9. I can't stand him. He is a partisan hack and a moron®. /hands Tom a dollar.
  10. He will end up getting banned. AD will wander by and tombstone him hopefully. Rob, racism is bad no matter the color of the skin of the person doing it. The blacks committing these atrocities should be condemned as badly as their white counterparts. Should the black community be blamed for not policing their own? Sure. What I do find hopeful is that outside certain urban sprawls, racism seems to be receding. even here in Mississippi, among youth. Your own article says that. So they aren't policing their own, for say the last 20 years. Hopefully, it won't take them as long as it took us to rectify that fact. Oh and incidentally, I am willing to discuss race. Just not with a contemptible scum like Dave. Hell, I would even discuss it with 3rdling. He may be a partisan hack, but I don't really sense he is racist.
  11. I don't have an issue with those. How do you feel about no knock warrants when they get the wrong house?
  12. He is a partisan hack, but he raises the points the media will raise if she wins the nomination. Want 4 more years of Obama?
  13. 4 more years, 4 more years
  14. Congrats, only took you a few months to realize he is a racist. Still makes you sharper than most.
  15. So you are not a complete idiot and recognize Dave is a racist. Congrats.
  16. I made one of my cocktails say ask. She walked up and said, "Let me axe you a question." I pretended to be confused and then frightened when she repeated it, saying, "Why are you threatening to axe me?" Amazingly enough, she said, "Okay, fine, ask. Let me ask you a question." Probably really stupid on my part and I am lucky she was a good sport about it.
  17. After that, he went on to defend her. Is it not allowed here to ask for clarification? My choice.
  18. I will agree with that. If the hundred are stone cold killers, you have unleashed a wave of terror. To me, that is simply a consequence of limiting government. I do not like the idea of being imprisoned by my government for a crime I did not commit. I will take my chances with the thugs. I just do not go to the wrong places or do the wrong things. That cuts my chances of interacting with these types by a huge percentage.
  19. It is that whole limited government thingie IMO. I used the extreme low end in my point. Consider that up to 2% are wrongfully imprisoned if you read up on it. I took exception with them wishing death on all of them. Hardly an unreasonable position.
  20. :lol: When staying OT in PPP is derided. Too classic.
  21. It was in the context of 3 posters in a row wishing death on ALL inmates. It had to do with my point that at least some are innocent. Does that help?
  22. One actual tip, make sure you hydrate when drinking outdoors. When sitting poolside you may not realize how much you are actually sweating. Add in alcohol and you can dehydrate pretty easily. Oh and best drink = a frozen margarita. Hand crafted with real lime juice, sprite, a good tequila and say cointreau.
  23. On topic, this to me presents the possibility of cutting the cost of the US Navy and still being able to project power. These drones are substantially smaller and would allow our carriers to shrink as a consequence. I have mentioned this as a possibility in the past, but the idea was shot down by Tom. The main concern to me would be, what happens if someone develops a jammer of some sort. Would you want the possibility of losing control of your entire air fleet? There is a moral concern as well. Does it turn more "gameish" when it all seems to be a video game? Thoughts?
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