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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. It gives the consumer more choices though. Up to them whether they choose wisely, which is as it should be.
  2. The stuff that kids eat and the alarming statistics on diabetes/obesity are tied together. Is this a meal you should be feeding your kid? No. Is it better than it was? Hell yeah. Funny bit to me, this could easily be a slam on Obama. "Look, his wife managed something more positive than he did and she just works part-time."
  3. Did you expect any less when you started the thread? Oh and heck yeah McDonalds, way to go no matter how you got there.
  4. Forget Anon. Have our hackers focus on this... "Debt, what debt?"
  5. From what I have read, it sounds likely that without a debt ceiling increase and an amended budget with substantial cuts that we may still get our credit rating cut. Is that what you are implying?
  6. Just keep telling yourself that...
  7. Said the suspect was 5'6". That is way too tall, he is in the clear.
  8. Link What, no computer?
  9. Yeah, that was sorta the joke. I guess I was a little too subtle...
  10. My thoughts and prayers are with you as well as my condolences.
  11. Wouldn't that have been a bigger story?
  12. Thank God you have not fallen so far.
  13. Low blow. But then that is what we have come to expect from all your handles. Must be the lawyer in you.
  14. Took years to get my son to act right. At that age he would have pouted in similar circumstances. I think the dad acted properly and the kid was being a kid. Just my take and my son is about to start driving.
  15. All the kid does is pout. I agree with you in general, in that kids are way too spoiled. In this specific case, he pouts, dad nudges him telling him to get over it. I simply disagree with your take on this.
  16. Yeah, takes a few minutes. Windows 7 I assume. Type system restore in your "search programs and files" text box and follow the prompts.
  17. Doesn't matter how well disciplined your kid is, they are going to pout at that age. At least in my experience.
  18. 91 dead. Damn he killed a ton of kids.
  19. Oh c'mon Fez, that is not fair. You do not have kids, correct?
  20. Yeah, but can you afford to keep paying them?
  21. Would you stop? I am waiting for them to debate/argue. That should be classic.
  22. Way to turn something non political political. Congrats, you are LA now.
  23. Easier than asking the question.
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