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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. 1 at best. On a good day mind you. After a nap.
  2. Hell, didn't you read the PPP thread? I am DCTom (no wonder no one likes me), You are AD and AD is Ed. Or something like that. How is this any different than Football? No kid ever gets knocked out in football? No kid ever gets a sprain in any other sport? No kid ever gets hit with a baseball? Martial arts can add discipline to a kid's life. They can also turn him into a bullying punk. Oddly enough, it depends on the teacher.
  3. After reading the article, how is this different than any sparring? Hell, I went to tournaments at the age of 8 where I was knocked out. Oh, perhaps that isn't the best argument. Seriously, how is this different than a sparring match in a tournament? Now if you want to discuss how the parents may freak out and get hyper competitive, that is a different story. It still isn't a reflection on MMA.
  4. If you can get some decent au jus add it to a good tomato juice Bloody Mary. Oh and the horse radish is a good touch. Mind you it is a Bloody Bull w/ au jus.
  5. IMO it depends on the teacher. Some really are "Cobra Kai" types. Some teach the philosophy and discipline behind it. Much like anything else, check out the teacher and ask them LOTS of questions.
  6. More likely she will appear in an ad saying "Oh Mr. Obama, call me..."
  7. I have it! (Where's the Eureka smiley?) We should have at least 4 QBs. We could platoon them and have each play a quarter. Or alternately we could get a Hand Off specialist, a Short Range QB, a Long Bomb QB and some dude with varying skill levels in each category (usually known as the starter). I mean if it works for DT's (a much more valuable position than QB) then it should work for QB's.
  8. If I ever get a chance to play, I will sink a bit of money in to be on your team for that story alone.
  9. So is KRC Ed, or is Darin? VABills is obviously a "Secret board" member who plays the foil to all of you guys. Molsen too for that matter. I mean you really expect me to believe those guys are that silly?
  10. Further confirmation... So Tom is Ed, yet not Crayonz. Wacka is Crayonz yet not Tom. Tom and Ed are confused as they are the same person, yet don't know one another. Wow that whole Rkfast = Pasta Joe thing was much easier.
  11. Your actual point as it seems to change on a regular basis. Oh I grant you the interior of the line bit. That stays the same. It is your examples and lack of rebuttal on effective points that is lacking. BTW how is that whole, a singular DT is greater than any QB theory holding up?
  12. He isn't sharp enough to realize he quoted what she did.
  13. I did too...until I found out you disliked it
  14. Man, even if I almost agree with you, your debate tactics turn me off so much that I say we draft a WR. Oh and a singular DT > QB. You will never live that down as, even in the now sadly gone thread, you had to revert to the theory that the DL > QB.
  15. Really? That makes a fair amount of sense.
  16. Personally, I think it is DCTom.
  17. Good for JP. He may not be what we wanted, but I certainly can't fault him for being less than a man and owning up to his obligations. For whatever reason it didn't work out, I wish him the best in the rest of his career. Edwards appears to be our future. I saw lots of positives in the few games I managed to catch. I am hopeful for his future as Buffalo's is linked to his. Dahlia please post more often. Bill from NYC:Due to the anguish it will cause you, I hope that the Bills draft a CB at 11. (Assuming of course the Senator's yearly prediction is correct)
  18. So we should silence the doubters, so we can win the war. Winning the war will maintain our freedom? Then the enemies won't hate us? But I thought they hated us for our freedoms? I have it, if we give up all of our freedoms they won't hate us anymore. Where's Ferd in 80 when you need him?
  19. LULZ Ok I give. I am out of glib responses as it is late. Kudos.
  20. Seeing an attractive woman naked is natural to me, oddly enough. If you seem to feel old men gyrating on one another is natural, well that is your prerogative. I post the pics I like, you post yours. That is the way it works. Right?
  21. Ahh true. I should be more careful. Funny part is your video is. Crazy sh--, huh? I edited my post.
  22. To bring this full circle, I choose to write in a vote. NSFW Guess who? NSFW
  23. What are my choices again?
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