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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Be realistic, you moron. There would be like 30 posters. Ok, 29 excluding me.
  2. Cool, so you admit collusion between the two. Good to know and nice to have you onboard.
  3. See now this is a decent discussion, well comparatively. My question is how much are the radical leaders like Osama influenced by their own religion? How much of this is a political power play and how much of this is brought on religious fervor? I somehow doubt it is all of one or another, I could be falling prey to my shades of grey tendencies though.
  4. Randi Rhodes is one of the worst radio personalities ever. She is incoherent at times, angry in general, and not terribly bright. I honestly think she was a significant contributor to the fall of Air America. Among the liberals I know, most turned the channel when she came on. She is the liberal version of Sean Hannity in drag. Now Rachel Maddow was at least intelligent, articulate, and had well thought out opinions even if I did disagree with her quite a bit. Also very funny.
  5. I think that means KD hates HIS woman. In Pasta Joe's opinion of course.
  6. I cannot recall anyone using a disputed Wiki article for evidence before; although I am sure it is commonplace.
  7. Necroequinesadism rules!
  8. I cannot believe you trotted that phrase out again. After the last time...
  9. Which is a telling statistic when you consider the league average of 24.6%. On a positive note the Miami Dolphins managed a sparkling 6.25% to lead the league.
  10. I assumed he was trolling. If not, he ranks right up there with the local radio host who explained it as a "glass full of ice and water that melts...it doesn't overflow right?"
  11. I am not trying to get in the middle of the fight. In fact Ocin you seem to be having a bad day. So don't let me intrude too much. I am not going into Bluefire's earlier posts in ANY other thread than this one. He replied to you. I would disagree that he established the fact. I would also hesitate to make political factors the primary motivation. That was the tact he was taking from the beginning though,if you take his posts in totality. I would certainly agree with him that politics enter into any fantacism. The argument should be over how much. My apologies for the long post for everyone else.
  12. Wow you are tough. No drinking? Even in the off season? Too harsh IMO.
  13. Think I will pass then.
  14. One hopes no knobbobbing either. Well at least not by you.
  15. Of course you are mangling that story. BTW her reward was reduced to less than 500K. She also contacted McDonalds first and asked them to only pay her medical bills. They refused and two years later McDonalds killed themselves in court with their attitude and the revelation of how many others had been burned, yet they planned to do nothing about it.
  16. Lets just cut to the chase! NAMBL- <slumps unconscious as Lori slugs him>
  17. I thought you guys were kidding about how long New York had been picking on you.
  18. Ouch, JSP gets rocked.
  19. You two are becoming an old married couple.
  20. Yeah that is...wait really? I tend to bow to your statistical knowledge. Oh and to finish that statement...the way to kick his ass.
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